Thursday, November 24, 2005

*presses pause*


This blog is on pause until further notice.

Augie needs a break from the computer. Augie needs to get ready for the holidays. Augie needs to stay away from OT for a bit before she gets herself banned. Augie needs to clean the house. Augie also needs to stop speaking in the third person.

Here are the rules -- please read carefully -- this means you -- yes, YOU. You know who you are. Yes, I'm looking at *you*.

1. Feel free to blogjack while I am gone.
2. Feel free to ignore me while I am gone.
3. No whining about an update. *looks at Monsty*
4. No *pooting* at all. *looks at Carey*
5. No eating poutine in my blog. *looks at Nookie and Coco*
6. No blowing up my blog while I am gone. *looks at Bob*
7. No stories about hemorrhoids. *looks at Zombie*
8. Boo *must* wear the Pirate hat when she posts.
9. No diet no-bake oatmeal cookies allowed. *looks at Arkie*
10. No driving of cars. Rental or otherwise. *looks at Iggy*
11. No driving of snowmobiles in my blog. *looks at Lightsy*
12. No posting about fellow faculty members' butt noises. *looks at HD*
13. No *smooching* of my Blog Mods allowed. *glares at Glow*
14. Gothmog, Dweeze, and Landru are the blog mods. Heed them well.
15. Buggy is in charge of the blog mods. Heed her well.
16. Nutz is in charge of Bon Jovi.
17. Momma is in charge of all cowboys, including Chris Cagel.
18. Syren is in charge of CSTL. *looks at CSTL*
19. Jen is in charge of Jake Gyllenhall.
20. Breezy is in charge of Bret Favre.
21. MM is in charge of Tim McGraw (however, keep your hands offa Keith Urban, ya hear?).
22. Rose in in charge of Bradley Cooper.
23. Seana is in charge of the Paolos. (good luck Sweetie!)
24. Luna is in charge of Dale Earnhardt, Jr. (be gentle with him, Luna)
25. Wheezy is in charge of whatever she wants. She *is* the Wheezus, people.

If I missed anyone, my apologies. *looks remiss* If I did miss you, then feel free to post anything you want to within the above guidelines.

Play nice people.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

Oy vey!

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Thanksgiving is next week. How did that happen?

Christmas is in 36 days. How did that happen?

I am not in a holiday mode yet, as much as I love Christmas. I think the problem is it has been too warm. It was 70 degrees Wednesday morning at 6:15 when I left for work. 70 degrees on November 16th! What the heck?

Sadly though, the weather has finally turned cold. It's currently 36 degrees and we had a massive hard frost last night. The annuals and periannuals have finally bit the dust, even the ones close to the house.

*sigh* And so we start that long journey into winter. And cold. And snow. And short days and long nights. And cold. And ice. And cold. Cold. Stupid cold. *sigh*

Thursday, November 17, 2005


For all you people who keep saying {mocking voice} Update your Blog, Augie {/mocking voice} ...

Here is your stupid update to my stupid blog.

And? I risked the wrath of the Government Big Brother people by logging in to my stupid blog during the stupid work day to update this stupid thing. If I get fired, or worse--thrown in jail-- it's all your fault. *looks at Monsty*

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Exploding soup

My soup exploded in the microwave today. It had 3 seconds left to go, and BOOM, the top popped and about a third of it went all over.

It was Campbell's Mexican Style Chicken Tortilla in the microwavable bowl. Very tasty, the part I was able to save.

Last weekend my dad exploded pumpkin bread in the microwave. The soup was easier to clean up.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


A Christmas Survey

With apologies to Glow

Have you started your Christmas shopping?

When do you usually start your serious shopping?

When is the earliest you have ever bought a Christmas present?

How much do you shop online? 50%? 75% None?

Favorite websites?

How about cataloges? If so, any favorites?

Who is your hardest person to shop for?

And finally ...

What are you going to get me?

Picture of candy cane petunias included for your viewing pleasure

Sunday, November 06, 2005


This autumn has been exceptionally warm. We haven't had a hard frost yet, therefore most of the hardier plants are still blooming.

For your Sunday viewing, a perky, happy daisy.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! OWWWWWW!

Today was mammogram day. I hate mammogram day. Hate it.

I've been getting mammograms since I was 34. My mom had breast cancer, so they recommend one for daughters as soon as possible, opposed to the magic age of 40. As soon as possible for me was age 34. They want a baseline so they can torture, um, track you longer.

This might be too much information for most of you, but I have always had cysts in my breasts. Nothing to worry about, but they are there. Every time I go to a new doctor, they get overly concerned about the cysts. I appreciate their doctorly interest, but I've come to terms with my cysts, and in fact, the cysts and I have learned to share my breasts with not too much trouble.

And then I go to a new doctor. I move from Maryland to Florida and get a new doctor. New doctor feels cysts, sends me to get mammogram, new radiologist thinks I need a follow up mammogram in 6 months. Ow! I move from Florida back to Maryland and get a new doctor. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Today's mammogram was my third in a year. At least today I didn't have to also get the sonogram, which isn't painful but icky and a pain nonetheless.

The good news? Radiologist feels my cysts are "normal for me" and I don't have to come back for a year. The bad news? I could have told him that two mammograms ago. Ow ow OW!