Friday, April 20, 2007

*cracks knuckles*

*rolls up sleeves*

It's spring cleaning weekend! I am going to clean this house from top to bottom, side to side. There will be no piece of furniture unturned, no dust bunny left free to roam, no window left unwashed. No spot of dirt left unscrubbed. Or something like that.

So, what are you doing this weekend?

*hopeful look*

Anyone want to come over and help? I'll feed you.

Friday, April 13, 2007


Don't blame me.

I had a stomach virus, not a cold. :-)

My daffodils are gorgeous, however I fear for their lives this's supposed to be cold and wet (where is SPRING????)

I don't hate all commericals, just the ones I posted about. Well, there are a few more I hate, but at the moment can't remember them.

You can't blame my gnome for the three in your yard. Keebler has been neutered. *snort*

Friday, April 06, 2007


Brrrrrrrr! Hard to believe four days ago it was 80 degrees. Snow flurries tonight, if you can imagine that. I'm keeping firm in the belief that it will eventually warm up. So, to help me keep the faith--and you too-- I've dug up pictures taken a few springs ago.

It will warm up, right?