Thursday, January 25, 2007

I blame Monsty.

Up until this week we had a lovely, warm, very calm winter. Then, Miss "I want it to be Winter and I want it NOW!" Pregnant Green One--who without fail curses winter and my twirly snowflake siggie--declared she hated the warm weather and wanted it to be cold.

Well, guess what? Less than a week after she cursed the warm weather--yes, she CURSED the warm weather people--it's cold cold COLD!

The wind chills are going to be at or below 0 tomorrow morning. We're having snow squalls right now, with a snow advisory tonight to the morning.

Next week the temps are forecasted to be below normal.

Happy now, Monsty?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Organizationally challenged

My desk at home is fairly small, which means it can get cluttered pretty quickly. I am the first to admit I can be haphazard with my organizing, but I know where everything is and can always find what I need.

About once every two months I get hell bent on re-organizing, changing, purging, completely redoing everything--not just my desk but everything. My intentions are good, but I get stumped as to what to keep, what to throw out, what is important, what is not important. So instead of re-organizing I really just shift things around and tidy up.

This morning I am hell bent. Please stop me.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Free Friday!

I have today off!

What should I do?

Where should I go for lunch?


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bamboo wrangler?

For the second time in a month I just watched a kid (late teens maybe?) run past the house with stalks of bamboo. Most homeowners do not care for bamboo because it is quite insidious and will overtake a yard in no time.

People plant it as a border but usually live to regret that. Bamboo is fast growing and the roots travel underground, it gets quite tall and usually falls over in the first big rain/wind/snow storm. Other than food for pandas I'm not sure what bamboo is good for (and I'm adding this parenthetical because I don't want to end my sentence with a preposition).

So, why is this kid running down the road with 10 foot stalks of bamboo? You think he has a panda he needs to feed? If so, wonder what he named the Panda?

Such is the strange things one sees when looking out a window on a Sunday morning.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


-- When calling someone at night, if you feel the need to ask "am I calling too late" when they answer the phone then you probably are calling too late. *yawn*

-- My right thumb is slightly wider than my left thumb, however all the other digits on my right hand are the same size as the left hand digits.

*waits while everyone compares their own digits*

-- President Bush looks like he has aged 20 years since 2000.

-- Me too.

-- New season of 24 starts Sunday! Finally!

-- I am not a violent person but I really want to pop Donald Trump right in the mouth. And pull his hair.

-- Tomorrow (Friday) is Purple Day in Maryland (in honor of the Ravens). I can't wait to wear my purple sweater. I am so glad the team color is not orange. I look hideous in orange. Purple is definitely one of my colors. Orange is not.

-- All the paperwork that comes with a death in the family is ONE.HUGE.DRAG. *sigh*

-- My cat Sam is the sweetest little soul on the face of the earth. I love him so much.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Augie's Law

You've heard of Murphy's Law, right? It's something to the effect of "whatever can go wrong, will go wrong."

Today at work I created Augie's Law. Or should I say I had a revelation and named it Augie's Law.

(If I were you people, I'd note what I was were wearing, what time it is, etc., because trust me, you are going to want to remember for the rest of your days what you were wearing and where you were when you heard this gem)


*gets all important and stuff*

Augie's Law: "One will get the busiest and most stressed out in the last hour of work before a weekend or holiday or day off"

Why do people wait ALL DAY and then decide they have a matter of THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE that must be done IMMEDIATELY right before Augie is leaving for the day? And of course they preface their very MOST IMPORTANT email with 'please get back to me immediately'. Immediately? Or what? You'll implode? Heck, I'd like to see that.

So, I find out this issue has been brewing since last week, yet it didn't become the MAJOR EMERGENCY until the end of the day, which is also the end of my work week. Well, in my book that means your emergency goes to the bottom of my list because I am dealing with people who actually have decided to give me more than an hour to try to figure out a solution. Stupid nitwits. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Speaking of solutions, I have a solution to Augie's Law. I'm calling it Augie's Solution (my cleverness knows no bounds, people).

Augie's Solution: "Upon entering your last hour of work for the day, and especially the last hour of work for the week, do not answer the phone, do not open emails from co-workers, do not look up from your desk. Ignore everyone. They will eventually go away."