1. Why do I go grocery shopping when I'm starving?
2. Why do I bother to make a shopping list when I leave it on the kitchen counter 9 times out of 10?
3. Where are my spare pair of glasses?
4. Why do dog owners (not all, but a lot) think it's okay to test squeeze every single dog toy in the store before supposedly buying one -- I almost never stick around long enough to see them place a toy in the cart? And do they really let their dog play with a toy that is louder and more annoying than a jet engine?
5. Speaking of the word "supposedly" (see above), why does it make me crazy when people pronounce it SU-POSE-UB-BLY? Every single episode of Ghost Hunters Steve uses the word supposedly (as in "supposedly there is activity in this part of the room", or "the owner supposedly was touched by an unseen spirit") and he says it wrong every time. Makes me cringe! Why am I a word snob? I'm certainly not perfect and I don't point out to people when they pronounce something wrong, but it makes me cringe.
6. Isn't it good to see I am very comfortable with my sci-fi geekiness that I readily admit to watching Ghost Hunters every week? Um, more than once a week, probably. Actually.
7. Is it spring yet? Anytime soon? Some time this year? Maybe? I'm sick of cold and snow. And why does my nose run every time I am out in the cold? What's up with that? I look like a sick toddler with a constant stream of snot running down my face. And no one wants to see what I look like while shoveling the driveway. Disgusting.
8. Remember the Flip Wilson Show from the 70's? I loved it! "The devil made me do it" "What you see is what you get" That was good fun. Long live Geraldine!
9. Speaking of funny people from the 70's, remember Foster Brooks and his drunk guy act? I watched a You Tube clip of him singing the 12 days of Christmas and I laughed so hard I had to stop the clip a few times to compose myself. By the way, snot ran down my face then too.
10. Why can't I stop a list on an odd number? I didn't have anything else to add after #9 , but just couldn't leave it at an odd number. I think I'm an even number snob. My birth month, birth day and birth year are all even numbers so I think I'm drawn to even numbers. Or maybe I'm weird. Probably so. What do you think? Weird, normal or I probably need to stop asking such dumb questions?
I make out my shopping list on an old envelope (recycled), put my coupons in it, and put it in my purse. It's always there.
I wish my cat would play with cat toys, now that she's older. It's so fun to watch kittens play with toys.
I'm a word snob, too.
You need to take a vacation every winter, far away from there.
I remember Flip Wilson and Foster Brooks. Look for "Pioneers of Television" on PBS. This is season 2 and they've had Westerns, Science Fiction, and Police Dramas is coming up.
There's a reason why "odd" is called "odd."
Puffy, for sure I would lose the envelope AND the coupons.
I truly do need a vacation every winter. We just got dumped on last week, and apparently another storm is coming Tuesday/Wednesday. Oh joy.
LOL @ odd. :)
1. It's the best time.
2. Dunno. As an over-prepared & slightly psycho grocery shopper I have a printed master list of everything I buy which I keep in my purse. If I forget my freshly-printed, yellow-highlighted, weekly list - then just by reading the master list I can usually reconstruct everything I wanted.
3. In your pocket. No - the other one.
4. Dunno.
5. Word snobbery is a good thing.
6. You are sci-fi (I refuse to use the spelling sy-fy) geekier than I am. Ghost Hunters? Really!?! Waahaha! So. Are you going to watch Face Off?
7. *hands over a kleenex*
8. I loved Flip Wilson! My dad sat in his easy chair and made racist commentary throughout the show, but I was not deterred. He was the first man I ever saw wearing women's clothes - and he looked pretty darn good in them too. (Flip - not my dad.)
9. I don't remember him.
10. Are you weird? See question #6.
Swami, Foster Brooks did a lot of the Dean Martin shows, and the celebrity roasts. He was hilarious.
Yes, I watch ghost shows and I'm proud of it! And yes, I'm going to watch Face Off. I also can't wait for SGU: Stargate Universe to start again.
I have another question: What ever happened to the No Call List? I get more spam calls now than ever. Thank COD for caller ID.
I try to do what Puffy does for lists/coupons, but I often last for about three months, then go back to old habits and forget the list and the coupons.
Did you watch the Puppy Bowl yesterday? I love all the puppies and their toys! The kitty halftime show also rocked. :-)
I do not remember Flip Wilson, but I've heard of him.
1. That's probably when you're thinking about it the most.
2. When you find the answer, let me know. I do the same thing.
3. In Tummy's bedroom? Everything ends up there.
4. Don't get me started on dog owners. How do they not hear their dogs barking all freaking day long? Especially when I'm off and trying to enjoy peace and quiet.
5. Agree.
6. I watch The Bachelor. I admit to that.
7. It's going to be almost 70 all week here. I think we're in the home stretch of winter.
8. Um, no, but I will pretend to just for you.
9. Pretending again. We have a friend whose maiden name was Foster and she married a Brooks making her a "Foster Brooks." There was always a joke there I didn't get.
10. I'd say you're pretty normal.
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