Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Name the Gnome

My long wait was rewarded. I knew if I toughed it out Target would put the gnomes on sale...and they did! WooT!

Please say hello to my new garden gnome!

Personal Stats:

Single, but looking
12" tall (including hat)
Hollow on the inside but made of sturdy metal
Residence: by the front sidewalk beween the petunias, impatiens, salvia, and daylilies
Wields a mean watering can
Enjoys long walks on the beach and dinner by candlelight
Zodiac sign: Leo

Garden gnome needs a name. Please name the gnome.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Totally worth it!

I might get a warning, but it would be totally worth it.

BB Bashers has been amusing me today. Or should I say one person in BB Bashers has been amusing me.

So, who wants to give her a lesson on how to reply to the correct person? Ooooo! Who wants to tell her to read the guidelines? Anyone?

And? Don't forget to check out my newest flower pictures right below *points down*

Friday, July 21, 2006


I bet you thought I was done with posting lame flower pics! HA! You were wrong!

From left to right: Petunias (NOT pansies *rolls eyes at self*), White Allyisum, and some blue/purple flowers I got at Home Depot but can't remember the name, then more petunias (*waves to Swami*). Behind them is fountain grass. This is along the south side of the house.

edited to add the name of the flower I got at Home Depot but couldn't remember it's name. Went to Home Depot yesterday and scoped them out...the blue/purple flower is angelonia.

I'm experimenting with color combos and I like the red/orange/peach mix here. Left to right is Verbena, the little peach guy is portulaca, petunias, and more Verbena in the lower right corner. Behind them is a portulaca-type plant that has these really cool red/peach mix flowers. I'll try to get a picture when it's in bloom...it's too cool.

Obligatory cat picture: I'm sitting at the computer, eating a snack, and I feel movement behind me. Sam and Big Fat Harry had silently creeped up behind me, hoping I'd share my snack. Can't remember what I was eating but I'm sure I shared it. *grin*

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Summer indulgence...

Gather round, friends. I'm making a confession. I am a Big Brother junkie. Yes I am. *big doofus grin* I've watched it every year since the first one--which, in my opinion sucked royally--but season 2 with evil Dr. Will more than made up for lame season 1.

Anyone else into this reality television trainwreck? I even bought the live feeds this summer for the first time. *shakes head*

Augie Trivia: Big Brother brought me to RTVW. I had moved back to Maryland in August of 2002 and I didn't have anyone to talk to about BB (all my friends and co-workers were back in Tampa). I desperately needed to bash Alison and Jun, so I googled and found the BB forum on RTVW. My very first post ever was in Bashers. The first thread I ever started was about Jun. *big doofus grin*

Friday, July 07, 2006

7 Things Meme

Seven things to do before I die:
1. Travel to Italy
2. Travel to Australia
3. Travel to Ireland
4. Wear a bikini again
5. Own a beach house
6. Retire and live at my beach house and wear my bikini all day long
7. Take a cruise through the Greek Isles

Seven things I cannot do:
1. Tolerate rude people
2. Carry a tune
3. Jump off the high dive *shudder*
4. Eat raw fish *gag*
5. Pass up a good sale
6. Pass up an opportunity to nap
7. Listen to George Bush speak

Seven things that attract me to my mate:
1. I
2. don't
3. have
4. a mate
5. so I'll
6. leave this
7. blank.

Seven things I say:
1. Are you kidding me? (Usually they're not)
2. Holy cow.
3. Who's hungry? (when I'm rounding up the cats to feed them...funny thing is they actually know this means food is coming and will run from where ever they are. cracks me up every time)
4. Jeez louise! (I know! I'm such a potty mouth)
5. I can't wait for "Lost". (Both during the season and now during the summer)
6. What should I have for lunch today? (when I'm getting ready for work in the morning--I never know what to pack and I'm not a good pre-planner)
7. Oh please. (this is usually accompanied by an eye roll)

Seven books I love:
1. The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich
2. Lightning by Dean Koontz (and almost anything else by him)
3. East of Eden by John Steinbeck
4. Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'engle (favorite from childhood)
5. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell (another favorite from childhood)
6. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
7. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Seven movies that I've loved:
1. The Sixth Sense
2. Sleepless in Seattle
3. Serendipity
4. While You Were Sleeping (not "while you were out" *waves to Glow*)
5. Field of Dreams
6. Love Actually
7. It's a Wonderful Life

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Fourth of July!

Four day weekend!


My high school reunion is tonight! Yikes!




So, what are you doing this weekend?

Disclaimer: The above photo was taken last spring. My current garden is trying to recover from the massive rain we had this past week (14 inches in 4 days!). I wanted a red/white/blue theme so this picture seems appropriate.