Thanksgiving is next week. How did that happen?
Christmas is in 36 days. How did that happen?
I am not in a holiday mode yet, as much as I love Christmas. I think the problem is it has been too warm. It was 70 degrees Wednesday morning at 6:15 when I left for work. 70 degrees on November 16th! What the heck?
Sadly though, the weather has finally turned cold. It's currently 36 degrees and we had a massive hard frost last night. The annuals and periannuals have finally bit the dust, even the ones close to the house.
*sigh* And so we start that long journey into winter. And cold. And snow. And short days and long nights. And cold. And ice. And cold. Cold. Stupid cold. *sigh*
Yikes! is right! Only 5 days???
...and brrr, it's 34 here right now.
I did manage to pick up a few Xmas gifts already, but I need to get ready for turkey day. Today will be the massive cleaning spree!
(I'm procrastinating. *grin*)
*sigh* I am not ready for the holiday season yet. Where did the year go?
I hate the holiday season. I hate winter. I think I'm going to hibernate. Someone wake me up in March.
You're just grouchy cause you miss me.
I have to make an apple pie for Thursday. I am not getting my material until Tuesday morning. I am not stepping into a supermarket at any other time but then. They are always so crazy this time of year.
Friday we are decorating for Christmas! It should be so much fun this year cause the kids are excited!
Augie? I love you!
Augie dear, I feel your pain. It has only gotten cold here in the last couple of days. We went from 85 degree days to 50 degree days with freezing nights.
And Turkey Day? I still don't know who, if anyone will be home other than me. So - I have made no plans, I have bought no turkey. I'm quite the sad excuse for a Thanksgiving at the moment.
mmmm turkey...I love turkey.
Wow, you got a visit from Supes. You must be special.
Supes posted in my blog.
Supes posted in my blog!
Augie! I got wood to warm ya up!
I agree about winter though. Phooey. I wish winter ended January 1st.
Holy Carp!
*Runs* off to start digging out Christmas decorations....
I have Keith Urban on my blog. You can look at him and be happier!!!
Just please do not bring out the flake siggy. PLEASE! I AM BEGGING YOU.
I have been way behind as far as getting into holiday mode this year as well. It is only just dawning on me that I am going home in TWO DAYS!
As far as the cold, I think I am protesting. I mean, if the weather can't cooperate enough for me to wear fun outfits on Friday and Saturday nights, then who needs it?
Um, I'm having a hard time sympathizing with the cold whining, although I will grant you that 36 days is not a lot of time until Christmas.
*smooches augie*
I felt my last post was lacking in Augie love.
Could someone tell me why I am soooo NOT into Christmas shopping and stuff this year?
Everyone is getting giftcards. Everyone.
*smooch* for Augie.
They are forecasting snow flurries here in Atlanta on Thanksgiving Day. Wouldn't have be fun :-)
I'm having a little trouble mustering up sympathy for Momma and her 50F but for 36F I can say awww, muffin. *grin*
It's about 25F here plus the wind chill and it snowed this morning. At least that is helping me to start thinking about Christmas.
I have to feel the pressure before I can motivate myself to start shopping. So far I've collected lists and looked through flyers from the warmth and comfort of my lazyboy chair. Soon I will have to venture out to the mall. Yuk!
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