Saturday, July 21, 2007


Would you buy this?

Ran across the infomerical this morning and now I want one. 80% of the floors in the house (not counting the basement which is 100% tile) are hardwood and tile. I hate the bucket/mop routine. This looks like a better and easier method to cleaning floors.

Would you buy this if you had 80% tile/hardwood?

Does it look like it's worth $60 plus s/h?

Would you laugh at me if I did buy it?


* what would bravie do as she is the queen of household gadgets? or at least kitchen gadgets.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm not kidding.

If Evil Dick is evicted from Big Brother tonight I'm going to stop watching. He is by far the most interesting houseguest in a long time, and he makes it worth watching.

The rest of those people are boring. But I do admit I enjoy laughing at Amber when she cries. Which is a lot. And boy is she an Ugly Crier. I'm calling her Wahmber from now on.

I haven't been able to figure Jen out yet. Either she truly is a bubblehead nimcompoop, or she is playing these people big time and is a genius. Or is that Jenius?

Saturday, July 07, 2007


I got the first season of Eureka today. I'm going to watch it this weekend in preparation for the second season premier Tuesday night.

*secret confession time*

I love sci fi. Most of the shows I really love have come from either the mind of Gene Roddenberry, the SCI FI channel, or Britain.

For example:

The entire Star Trek legacy, but I do have to admit I loved Voyager and Enterprise the most.
Farscape (Ben Browder!)
Stargate -- SG-1 and Atlantis
Babylon 5
Red Dwarf (British show that is hi-freakin-larious. if you like Monty Python, you'll like Red Dwarf)
X-Files (Mulder!)
Dead Zone

Current network shows include:

I caught a few episodes of Dead Like Me on Sci Fi this past week and now have another DVD set to add to my Amazon "wish list".

Friday, July 06, 2007

Hey! *hands on hips*

Who broke RTVW?

Not only is OT broken, but can't even access the front page.

Do you think the premier of Big Brother finally did Webby in?

It was probably the over the top drama of Joe and his gonorrhea that did it.

While we're talking about Big Brother, I'd like to put a plug in for Dingo's Hamsterwatch. Excellent site for daily updates of those crazy hamsters. It's usually the first place I go in the morning. *sigh* Yes, Big Brother is my summer indulgence. I'm so ashamed. I feel dirty.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Have a safe and fun day, everyone.

Sunday, July 01, 2007


I captured some catnip shenanigans out on the back deck yesterday. Shameful stuff.

Big Fat Harry-- look at his glassy eyed stare. If this picture doesn't say "stoner" I don't know what does. Jeff Spicoli has nothing on Harry.

Mousie--she rolls around all in it... it's on her from head to tail. She is truly a catnip ho.

An intervention is being planned. I fear that rehab is in their future.