Exploding soup
My soup exploded in the microwave today. It had 3 seconds left to go, and BOOM, the top popped and about a third of it went all over.
It was Campbell's Mexican Style Chicken Tortilla in the microwavable bowl. Very tasty, the part I was able to save.
Last weekend my dad exploded pumpkin bread in the microwave. The soup was easier to clean up.
Bob? Is that you?
Sorry about the soup but it kind of sounds like gross soup to begin with anyway.
Soooooo, anyhoo, I'm stopping by to see if you got my cookies yet?
Zombie -- Wouldn't it have been a hoot if it was mushroom soup?
Monsty -- I'm ignoring your subtle put down of my culinary preferences (it *is* YUMMY soup!) because I did indeed get the cookies. The pizelle are to die for (is that licorce I taste?), and I'm saving the biscotti for tomorrow and my first cup of coffee. Thanks, doll!
Hey! Didn't I just see "Exploding Soup" on Blogideas.com? ;-)
Actually, I did this to my left over tomato soup the other day. I hate having to clean the microwave.
Sorry MM, but I have never been to blogideas.com. I need no outside help in making messes.
I exploded mushroom soup in the microwave at work last week. It was that new Campbell's Selects Portabello Soup.
PITA to clean. BIG PITA!
The next day I switched to plain ol' chicken broth.
My boss exploded a twice baked potato one day too. Seems we have a super-wattage microwave.
Of course I'm the one who picked out the microwave because I felt it matched our kitchen the best. Who's looking at wattage when you're matching the kitchen appliances.
I, have clients to impress.
Especially a really cute one.
Guess I'd better not make him any soup.
It appears I'm feeling better. Looks like I exploded Augie's blog.
Since the damage is already done.
*snort* I think Zombs is contagious. Where are Augie's Bloggy Mods when you need them?
I made pea soup this weekend and it was actually a failure. It's the first time I've ever made crappy pea soup. I think tomorrow I'll make homemade cream of tomato. Can't go wrong with that, plus it'll get rid of the box of (somewhat) rotting tomatoes in the kitchen.
And boo sucks to Augie, who got her cookies. I am still cookieless.
That soup sounds yummy, Augie. I'm sorry it exploded.
P.S. I am getting marred in six days!
That reminds me. Augie, I need you to PM me please. Or I'll PM you if I make it there first.
Hi Augie! I didn't explode my Cream of Broccoli soup in my microwave on Saturday, but it did dribble over a little. I asked Dave if he wanted some, confident that he wouldn't and he had to say yes. I was quite disappointed because it was so delicious I could have eaten it all by myself. Next time I won't ask. *evil grin*
I almost exploded maple syrup in the microwave this weekend. DH likes his syrup heated up (yeah he's spoiled). There wasn't much left in the bottle so I get I had it in too long. The cap popped off but not the syrup. Thank Cod!
Mmmmm pumpkin bread.
I want soup. But i would like cream of celery or cream of asparagus please.
Soup Update: I made cream of broccoli today and it turned out well. Dominic actually ate a huge quantity of the puréed broccoli as I was waiting for the sauce to cook.
Weird kid, good soup.
I haven't had any soup to explode on me yet but I must say I giggled a little.
Sorry Augie!
No update, no fresh batch of cookies. Sorry Augie, but you require tough love.
I want some of Coco's cream of broccoli. That's the best when you put it in a bread bowl. That and clam chowdah. Yummy
Clam chowdah is lesbian code for something, right?
(Sorry. Even Hoity-toity Stephord Monstahs get crass sometimes.)
That's what you call crass? You really are hoity toity, aren't you. *snort*
Admit it once and for all. You want me. You want me ral bad.
I do think you're pretty damn hot. I hope it hasn't been too obvious that I have been crushing on you.
*snort* ROFLMAO
I had such trouble writing that. *grin*
I was actually talking to Augie.
She doesn't want you. She wants me. Jeeez.
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