Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! OWWWWWW!
Today was mammogram day. I hate mammogram day. Hate it.
I've been getting mammograms since I was 34. My mom had breast cancer, so they recommend one for daughters as soon as possible, opposed to the magic age of 40. As soon as possible for me was age 34. They want a baseline so they can torture, um, track you longer.
This might be too much information for most of you, but I have always had cysts in my breasts. Nothing to worry about, but they are there. Every time I go to a new doctor, they get overly concerned about the cysts. I appreciate their doctorly interest, but I've come to terms with my cysts, and in fact, the cysts and I have learned to share my breasts with not too much trouble.
And then I go to a new doctor. I move from Maryland to Florida and get a new doctor. New doctor feels cysts, sends me to get mammogram, new radiologist thinks I need a follow up mammogram in 6 months. Ow! I move from Florida back to Maryland and get a new doctor. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Today's mammogram was my third in a year. At least today I didn't have to also get the sonogram, which isn't painful but icky and a pain nonetheless.
The good news? Radiologist feels my cysts are "normal for me" and I don't have to come back for a year. The bad news? I could have told him that two mammograms ago. Ow ow OW!
Well knowing this, it wasn't very nice of Breezy to make fun of your breasts this morning. That was just mean. You should spray her with Oust.
LMAO ya dork carey! *whack*
Glad you were right Augie. *smooch* *tender hug*
I had to start getting mammograms at 32 for the same reason. They're not much fun. In fact they suck donkey nuts.
Thanks ladies. *smooch*
and *poke* to Carey.
My cysts and I have learned to share also. Altho, I have not had to have a mammogram. Apparently the FOUR EFFING SONOS in 6 months were enough.
I have never had a mammogram. My mom gets them, though, and likes to share the agony.
Poor Augie *smooch*
Sorry you had to go throught that. Like Coco, I've never had one, but I can imagine that they are awful.
My cousin has cysts too. She once sent me a "How to Prepare for Your Mammogram" email. Apparently it involves putting dictionaries in the freezer and then squishing your boobs with them.
Sounds like fun.
Poor you.
"Lather, rinse, repeat."
Please, Augie. Even I don't repeat.
*smooches* hon.
You know you can just come to me next time, right? I'm pretty gentle.
If this weren't Augie's blog, I would push Rose aside and tell her that I have had more experience. But since it's my big sis's oobies we are talking about, I can't go there. *grin*
*gentle hugs*
Hate those things. I always think it's more painful for peeps like me with small boobs cause they try to smoosh them out more. OUCHIE! I am long over due but too afraid to go.
I've never had one either, but it sure doesn't sound like a barrel o' laughs.
*smooch* Augie.
You are doing the right thing. I will have to go through the same process yearly probably beginning next year. I had a biopsy at age 27 because of a lump that turned out to be cysts and the lack of family history. A person very near and dear to me just had two lumpectomies.
I find that lots of chocolate and caffeine actually make mine worse.
*smooch* again.
You probably know this, but did you know that Keith Urban is coming here to Richmond?
You probably know. I just figured the mention of his name here would induce a smile.
Ow. But at least you are done now and everything is good.
Do you imagine Tom Cruise's evil smile while it is squishing? (Oh now I get Carey's post in my blog!)
I am sorry....I don't know why I am picking on you lately. I should pick on someone else.
Hmmm...who should I go after next?
I guess I'm just weird. I had my first one a couple of years ago, and while it wasn't fun by any means, I didn't find it to be as painful as what I would have expected based on what others have said. When it gets down to it, I think I would prefer to have to get a mammogram instead of a pelvic exam. (And I really hope that isn't TMI!)
Arkie -- those who are less endowed *points to self* usually have a harder time with mammograms. They have to really get in close to the breast bone and under the armpit to get a good reading. When the technician tells me not to breathe or move, it's never a problem because I am in such pain that I can't breathe OR move.
I hate mammogram day. Hate it. But! I bought two pairs of shoes and a pair of boots afterwards as a reward. Woo hoo!
*rubs Augie's boobies*
*giggle* at Glowie
{{{hugs}}} for Augie. Sorry you have to go through this. :(
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