Sunday, September 28, 2008

PBS Palin Poll

Say that three times fast!

PBS Poll Question:

Do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to serve as Vice President of the United States?

My dear friend Lydia sent this to me last week. Rumor has it the right wing is organizing to get the masses to vote "yes" for her. When I voted a week ago it was 50% voted yes, 49% voted no. Today it is 49% yes, 49% no.

I'm curious to see what it says after the VP debate. *manical laughter*

Sunday, September 14, 2008

End of summer pictures

I've been negligent in posting pictures this summer. Truth is with taking care of Dad I've been pretty much focused on him and not the yard. But, I have managed to do a little bit and the yard is not too embarassing. So here you go...

Blackeyed Susans and Purple Liatris (pay no attention to the hideous ugly fence in the background...that belongs to the hideous ugly neighbor).
Lantana - I am seriously in love with Lantana and next year will plant tons of them everywhere.
Purple verbena and White vinca
Petunias! Who doesn't love petunias?
The obgliatory pictures of my Big Fat Harry. Here he is at the very back of the backyard, underneath a tree. The grass in that section of the yard is super soft and yummy (as opposed to the horrible crabgrass everywhere else *shame*) and the whole area is pretty shady, so during this summer he has gone back there for the most of the day, then relocates to the front yard when the sun goes down (the front of the house faces the West). I'm also happy to report he has slimed down some and I am very curious to see what he weighs when he has his yearly Vet visit in a few weeks.
This is his "I'm totally pissed off because you woke me up" look. He has this look a lot.
Ahh, the life of a spoiled pet. Doesn't get any better than this.