-- When calling someone at night, if you feel the need to ask "am I calling too late" when they answer the phone then you probably are calling too late. *yawn*
-- My right thumb is slightly wider than my left thumb, however all the other digits on my right hand are the same size as the left hand digits.
*waits while everyone compares their own digits*
-- President Bush looks like he has aged 20 years since 2000.
-- Me too.
-- New season of 24 starts Sunday! Finally!
-- I am not a violent person but I really want to pop Donald Trump right in the mouth. And pull his hair.
-- Tomorrow (Friday) is Purple Day in Maryland (in honor of the Ravens). I can't wait to wear my purple sweater. I am so glad the team color is not orange. I look hideous in orange. Purple is definitely one of my colors. Orange is not.
-- All the paperwork that comes with a death in the family is ONE.HUGE.DRAG. *sigh*
-- My cat Sam is the sweetest little soul on the face of the earth. I love him so much.
I know what you mean about calling too late. I think anything after 8 is too late, unless it's a *close* friend that you know will be awake.
I think everything on my left side is slightly smaller.
Ack. (though I bet you don't!)
Yay! Can't wait for that. Can't. Wait.
Funny, I'm not violent either and I want to pop people in the mouth all the time. I'm not violent enough to pull hair though. That's just mean.
Go Ravens! *waves purple panties in air*
*kittysmooches* for Sam. I'm glad he makes you happy. My boy Bailey does that for me. :)
Am I posting too late?
Weirdo. My digits are all equal to the opposite hand.
Maybe he could age another 20 years in the next week and fall over dead.
Donald Trump is a pathetic dickhead.
I will red purple tomorrow in their honor, too.
No, I'm sorry. My little man Leo is the sweetest little boy cat on the earth.
I don't really answer my phone anymore.
I think all the fingers on my right hand are bigger than my left hand. I know my ring finger is. *compares others*
I think we've all aged 20 years since 2000 because of Bush.
Connie Britton used to be on 24 and now she's on FNL. She's brilliant. Television royalty.
I am, by nature, violent.
pfffffffft to purple Ravens.
*kittysmooches* for Sam
I leave my phone downstairs most nights.
But are your toes the same?
Gotta go with Bravie on this one.
That happened ten years ago to me.
I like 24 but I don't watch it - don't know why.
I don't think I have any purple but I'll look.
I know - hugs
Sam, Leo and Smokey!
--I always ask that so I don't feel bad about calling late, because most people reflexively say "no, it's not too late".
--My thumbs are a fine, well matched pair but my index fingers are whacked.
--All prezzies age fast in office, but not all gain wisdom
--Me three
--Don't watch it
--I am non-violent, besides his hair might just come off.
--Silly Augie. Purple is for the Vikes
--When my mom passed it took my sister (who was executor) almost 2 years to get the paperwork all done.
--My cat Tippy challenges Sam to a sweet-off.
I would only ask that question if the other person sounded sleepy. However, I never call anyone so I don't have to worry about waking anyone up. If someone calls me in the evening, I probably won't answer.
*compares thumbs and fingers* Hmmmm, my right thumb also seems a little wider than my left thumb. Hard to compare the rest of the fingers though. *tries again and gets fingers all tangled*
It's incredible how quickly the presidents age once they get into the office. I just wish Bush would go away.
*smooch* No you haven't!
YAY 24!! Although, I'm not looking forward to seeing Ricky Shroeder on it. I suppose it depends on what his character will be like. I really hated the hobbitt on the last one.
I'm not a violent person either but I think I could easily become one. I have violent thoughts whenever I see Rosie on tv. She's horrible. Just horrible! Grrrrrrr! Now my blood is boiling just thinking about her LOL.
*checks* I'm a day early. I have my purple panties on today. I promise, I won't be wearing them tomorrow. :-)
I'm so glad your Sam is so loving to you. *smooch* My Sam has become very affectionate lately. DH is gellus.
Try green and gold for colors. Yuck. Good thing I love the Pack enough to wear them anyway.
My boss is going through the ugly paperwork mess of death right now. I feel for her and you.
Cats. Cats are the best.
I agree 1000% on the phone call thing- actually I agree with MM.
Slammin' Sammers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I won't call anyone after 9pm. I won't usually answer my phone after 9pm, either. Unless I'm expecting the call, of course.
All my fingers, including my thumb, are bigger on my right hand. It's because I use it so much.
Too bad he didn't gain any wisdom along with the gray hair.
Actually, I think (and I've been told) that I'm looking younger these days.
I am so excited for 24, I really almost don't what to do with myself. The list of TV shows I can't miss is getting shorter and shorter, but this one may never get bumped.
Meh, on Trump. I pay no attention to that asshole. But, believe me, there are people I could get violent with quite easily. One in particular on OT. But we won't go there.
*stomps all over anything purple she sees* I.won't.comment. See? I can be nice when I want. LOL!
I hear ya about the endless red tape associated with death. Been there, done that. It took us about 3 years to close out the estate. Hope you never have the hassles we did.
Aw, Sam sounds like a doll. My nieces make me feel the same way.
*hugs* about the paperwork.
Red is probably my color.
I want to pop the Donald myself.
All my digits are equal.
I don't call after 9. I don't answer after 9. I really don't like answering at all. I'm not a phone person.
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