Summer indulgence...
Gather round, friends. I'm making a confession. I am a Big Brother junkie. Yes I am. *big doofus grin* I've watched it every year since the first one--which, in my opinion sucked royally--but season 2 with evil Dr. Will more than made up for lame season 1.
Anyone else into this reality television trainwreck? I even bought the live feeds this summer for the first time. *shakes head*
Augie Trivia: Big Brother brought me to RTVW. I had moved back to Maryland in August of 2002 and I didn't have anyone to talk to about BB (all my friends and co-workers were back in Tampa). I desperately needed to bash Alison and Jun, so I googled and found the BB forum on RTVW. My very first post ever was in Bashers. The first thread I ever started was about Jun. *big doofus grin*
So we have BB to blame? *snort*
I? would never watch the live feeds. Nope. I have never spent days at a time over at Colleen's house watching them. Nope. Not me. *innocent look*
Yep. It's all BB's fault.
Yeah, I bet you would never, ever spend days at a time watching, Bravie. Never. *grin*
In case anyone is interested, the hamsters are still sleeping. *grin*
Not that I know anything about this show but the other day I made a comment to Michelle about hamsterwatch and tvclubhouse. She wanted to know how we went from talking about live feeds to hamsters. She said that she didn't want a pet hamster. *snort*
She didn't know that they were referred to as hamsters.
I watch the show, but not the live feeds. I read the recaps of the day on various sites. I've seen you over on the BB forums, you sneaky devil.
Let's see...the show starts in exactly 2 hours and 25 minutes. But I don't watch it. Nope. Not me.
Thanks for reminding me, Momma to read the RTVW East Coast update thread and the running commentary on the show on TV Clubhouse. Nope, I don't watch it, not me.
By the way, Augie, I'm about to post a tribute to you on my blog.
I missed most of Saturday's show because we had a black-out here. Stoopid 100+ degree weather. I still have to go find a summary of that episode.
I have never got the live feeds just because. I will read Joker's Updates, but not too much until we get further into the show. Plus I usually set some arbitrary limit, like I will start 12 pages back and no further each time.
I love this lame show even tho is one of the few reality shows I could never ever in a million years imagine myself on. I would go stark raving mad within 48 hours!
I watch!!!! But I haven't watched since the beginning. I think I started watching in Season 3 or 4. *grin*
I watch...and have since the beginning.
I watch the feeds, and check all the online sites...
but I'm not addicted, I swear.
*raises hand*
I watch but don't get the live feeds. I used to read the message boards for the live feed updates.
And, I forgot it was on this weekend and didn't see it *pout*
*raises hand*
I watch. No live feeds for me. I already spend enough time on the computer and I'm trying to cut back as it is.
This season has been a friggin' *yawn*fest so far! I'm not too happy with it. I think it's because some of the former hamsters are too predictable because we already know them. I hop it gets better. is the website for the Bunny's summaries of Big Brother. Very snarky, very very snarky. Does anyone read them?
I guess I'm the outcast here. I don't watch. I tried to get into it a couple of seasons ago, but I couldn't commit to the 3 or 4 times a week that it's on. I ended up missing episodes all the time, and I just gave up. So You Think You Can Dance and Rockstar are my summer indulgences. :)
I watched it last night. It's been the first full episode I've watched since BB3. I may be hooked for the summer. Dr. Will is so scrumptiously pompous.
My first post was in Big Brother Bashers, too! I like to catch the updates on Dingo's site.
Survey<---BB junkie.
LOL! Big Brother brought me to OT too! It must be a Maryland thing!
Do you read the daily updates at Hamster Watch too?
*high fives* all my fellow BB addicts!
HD...yes, I read Dingo's Hamsterwatch religiously. Love it.
Survey...we're BB twins! *grin*
Puffy...I've never read Bunny's site, but I think Janelle gives them shoutouts (her bunny pjs). I'll definitely check it out.'s not a bad thing not to be a BB junkie. *smooch*
*smooches* to Nutzy, Momma, Breezy, Nookie, Syren, Swami, Kim, HD, Puffy, Survey, Jen, and Bravie
Count me in! We love the show, but for some reason, I have a hard time getting into the forum over there. I'll try to, this year.
I? Am rooting for Dr. Will. I don't care if he's already won, and I don't care if Boogie bugs the hell out of me, this time around, Kaysar is playing a dumb game (IMO) and my faves are Will, Janelle and James.
MM! *smooch*
But Kaysar is playing a smart game. He is. Trust me. *smooch*
I hope you're right, and I hope he stays for a while, because I sure do love watching him. ;-)
I'm not a BB fan at all. I am unbelieveably excited about the summer season of Project Runway, though, so I'm definitley on the summer reality TV indulgence boat.
Glowie *heart* James
Glowie love Augie (and BB for bringing Augie to the boards)
I like James too! Also Janelle & Will. I don't like the Evil Doctor's new botoxed look though. He used to have such lovely, subtle facial expressions. But now he looks expressionless at times.
I agree, BB1 was horrific. That was the lamest group of people, Ev.ah!
I refuse to buy the live feeds. Isn't it enough that I read the updates on the message board??
I need the live feeds but haven't gotten them yet. I spend 3 days away from the computer every week. I'm so glad there are live feeders posting because I need to know the background.
I want to know WTF happened to Nakomis. I thought she had 5 votes and then - bam - 8 to 2 (only Janelle and Will).
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