I bet you thought I was done with posting lame flower pics! HA! You were wrong!
From left to right: Petunias (NOT pansies *rolls eyes at self*), White Allyisum, and some blue/purple flowers I got at Home Depot but can't remember the name, then more petunias (*waves to Swami*). Behind them is fountain grass. This is along the south side of the house.
edited to add the name of the flower I got at Home Depot but couldn't remember it's name. Went to Home Depot yesterday and scoped them out...the blue/purple flower is angelonia.
I'm experimenting with color combos and I like the red/orange/peach mix here. Left to right is Verbena, the little peach guy is portulaca, petunias, and more Verbena in the lower right corner. Behind them is a portulaca-type plant that has these really cool red/peach mix flowers. I'll try to get a picture when it's in's too cool.
Obligatory cat picture: I'm sitting at the computer, eating a snack, and I feel movement behind me. Sam and Big Fat Harry had silently creeped up behind me, hoping I'd share my snack. Can't remember what I was eating but I'm sure I shared it. *grin*
I love your flower pics! I would love to have those in my yard, but I don't have a green thumb.
Are you sure the cats were just hoping to share your snack? They look like they were plotting something quite dire! :)
Arkie!!!!! *smooch*
You don't need a green thumb. Just go to Home Depot, buy a bunch of flowers, plop them in the ground, and remember to water once in a while.
Yeah, I think they might have been planning a takeover, but it's easy to distract them with food.
Well, I think I'm going to plant some canna's (I think that's the right name and spelling), but I have to figure out if the side of the house I want them on gets enough sun.
I love Big Fat Harry. I love Sam too but Big Fat Harry just has a place in my heart. *grin*
Those are sure some strange looking pansies in the top photo.
Which cat is which? Is Sam the black & white one? I can't remember. I love the name Big Fat Harry!
Swami! LOL... I just realized I called the petunias "pansies" and was coming to edit, but thought I better check the comments to see if anyone caught my boo boo. :-)
Yes, Sam is the black and white one. Big Fat Harry is the big fat tabby.
I need to get a picture of Big Fat Harry sitting alone. He looks like a bowling ball with a head. *snort*
Sam is obviously an alien in disguise, and Bib Fat Harry must be his minion. No wonder you shared.
And the flowers are beautiful.
I love the flowers. Keep 'em coming.
WTF happened to Nakomis. I thought she had 5 votes then 8 -2.
love the flowers, Augie. I hope to see them at some point. And the kitties! *kitty smooches*
Okay, we close on our house on July 31st. When can I expect you to arrive to begin landscaping?
Seriously, I love your flower pics. They're so cheerful! :-)
What pretty flowers.
And I agree with arkie: the cats look evil in that picture.
Verbena! I lurve me some verbena.
Beautiful garden love!
(p.s. You? are on my list.)
Sam and BFH look really, really intent on getting some of whatever that snack was!
Augie flowers!!! Yay!!!!
Your garden is beautiful!
Very purdy cats. Even purdier flowers.
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