Wednesday, September 28, 2005

This just in ......

Right before lunch I was told that the SSP (Stupid Special Project) I am on at work was to end this Friday. No more SSP.

Happy happy joy joy! YAY! I hate this SSP. It sucks the big one. It's been three weeks of hell.

Right after lunch I was told that the Director made an executive decision and extended the SSP for One.More.Week.

@$%&^ *&$#@! @#^&*($%# !!!!!!!

It's official. I am going to go bonkers.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


CMT's Crossroads is one of my favorite shows. They pair current country music artists with artists of other genres. The shows are usually spectacular. Dolly Parton and Melissa Etheridge. Wynonna and Heart. Hank Williams Jr. and Kid Rock. Martina McBride and Pat Benatar. The newest Crossroads episode is Bon Jovi/Sugarland. It's awesome. Completely awesome.

Sugarland is total country. Lead singer Jennifer Nettles has an honest to Gawd, certified Grade A country twang. Ain't no mistaken this girl is from the country. Bon Jovi is, well, Jersey rock at it's finest. And it works. They sound great together. It has become my favorite Crossroads episode. Yes, it even surpassed the Keith Urban/John Fogerty one. My new favorite song is the last one of the episode .... "Who Says You Can't Go Home". Awesome song. Awesome.

Oh, and Richie Sambora ain't hard to look at either. That Heather Locklear is one lucky girl. He's hot. Oh yeah.

So do yourself a favor and watch it. The CMT linky over there --> will give you the info. Click it. Now. You'll thank me for it. Really you will.

I'll wait.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


My Dad's cat, Mousey. She got her name because she squeaks like a mouse. This cat has a ton of personality, yet is the most laid back cat we've ever had. She will lay in the middle of the kitchen floor and not move a muscle as we bring in the groceries. We have to step over her, around her, past her, and she doesn't even open an eye. The sound of the grocery bags crinkling and crackling sends most cats running. Not Mousey. She is too cool to be bothered.

Oh. She has also tried to kill me three times. Each time has been on the steps leading to the basement. She gets right under my feet as I go down the stairs. I think she thinks we are racing. One time I almost did lose my balance. Somehow I managed to grab onto the handrail before I fell. I made such a racket that my Dad came running. When I told him what happened, his only response was "Did you hurt Mousey?".

Hrmph. At least I know my place.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

For Carey

A new post, just for Carey because she is scared of a *rolls eyes* picture of a little ole teeny tiny garden spider.

Sheesh. I bet she's scared of butterflies. And cotton balls. And fluffy socks.

so, what do you think Carey is scared of?

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sunday morning

It's a beautiful Sunday morning and I took a few pictures. The aster under the living room window is just starting to bloom. So pretty in the fall. When it is in full bloom it will be so filled with flowers you won't see any green. Can't remember what the white 'bluebell' like flowers are to the right. Planted them this year for the first time and they have done so well.

This big spider (and I do mean big.... I think it's body is about 1 1/2 inches long -- eek!) has taken up residence in the southwest corner of the house. It's web is between the house, the purple fountain grass, and the lavender. I am completely skeeved and totally fascinated by it at the same time. Spiders scare me more than any other living thing, except for snakes, so it's a big deal for me to take it's picture without fainting in the process.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Stupid car

New Water Pump - $269.10
Brakes replaced - $262.76
Getting 1996 car winterized and tuned up because I need to make it last through the winter - $ 247.94

Spending $780 on my 9 year old car in the last two weeks - Priceless? Nope. Sad? Yes.

This has put a major crimp in my travel plans. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to go the bridge festival in WV next month. Sorry Glow Pop. *pout* I'm pretty sure I won't be able to make it to Tampa this year to see my surrogate family. Sorry Lydia and Jon. *pout*

Damn, I hate being NIW (not independently wealthy).

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Crap !

I just found out my vet is leaving the practice at the end of the month. He is moving to another practice 30 miles away. He has been my vet for years (except for that 7 year interval when I lived in Tampa), and he has been my Dad's vet for years. We initially picked him because his practice was a very short 3 mile drive down the road, but more importantly we stayed with him because he is truly an awesome man who loves animals and gives great care.

I'm in shock. This is worse than finding out your hair dresser is leaving the country. So now I have to decide if I follow him to another practice in another county or stay at the old practice with the other vet (who I haven't warmed up to).


Thursday, September 08, 2005

A distraction

I'm tired of being sad, angry, disgusted, annoyed, and deeply offended by much of what I am reading at the OTher place. So I decided I needed a distraction.

Cheesecake. I love, love, LOVE cheesecake. No one, and I mean no one loves cheesecake more than I do. And? If you think you do, you're wrong. Completely and absolutely wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

And to prove it, I will eat any and all cheesecakes that are sent to me. Yep, sure will.

So, what are you waiting for? Send me a cheesecake.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Open letter to Dubya

Dear Dubya,

Thank you for another kick in the ass.

First you were on vacation during a national tragedy--a tragedy that we all knew was coming. You gotta give those peeps at the Weather Channel credit. They knew it was going to be bad, and man were they right. I'm going to assume that you don't have cable in Crawford because if you had you would have certainly been back in Washington ready to lead the country before the hurricane struck.

Next we watch our fellow citizens begging for help that isn't coming. Wow. Can't even begin to keep my comments PG-13 on this.

And now, if this mess wasn't already personal enough for me, Wednesday night I get a phone call from my 20 year old nephew. He was leaving within the next few hours to GO BACK TO IRAQ. Yep, second tour for him. Now don't you think he would be better served as a soldier providing support and protection to the citizens of THIS COUNTRY? In OUR time of need?

But no, you continue to say our people, our money, our resources are better served in Iraq. I disagree. But that is no surprise. I disagree with everything you have done. Everything.

The only consolation I have is knowing I did not vote for you, and that your time as our President (and I use the term "president" loosely) is coming to an end.

Sign me,

Disgruntled Loyal American tired of getting kicked in the ass

PS Big thanks to Sylvia for suggesting I post this here.