Saturday, September 03, 2005

Open letter to Dubya

Dear Dubya,

Thank you for another kick in the ass.

First you were on vacation during a national tragedy--a tragedy that we all knew was coming. You gotta give those peeps at the Weather Channel credit. They knew it was going to be bad, and man were they right. I'm going to assume that you don't have cable in Crawford because if you had you would have certainly been back in Washington ready to lead the country before the hurricane struck.

Next we watch our fellow citizens begging for help that isn't coming. Wow. Can't even begin to keep my comments PG-13 on this.

And now, if this mess wasn't already personal enough for me, Wednesday night I get a phone call from my 20 year old nephew. He was leaving within the next few hours to GO BACK TO IRAQ. Yep, second tour for him. Now don't you think he would be better served as a soldier providing support and protection to the citizens of THIS COUNTRY? In OUR time of need?

But no, you continue to say our people, our money, our resources are better served in Iraq. I disagree. But that is no surprise. I disagree with everything you have done. Everything.

The only consolation I have is knowing I did not vote for you, and that your time as our President (and I use the term "president" loosely) is coming to an end.

Sign me,

Disgruntled Loyal American tired of getting kicked in the ass

PS Big thanks to Sylvia for suggesting I post this here.


Blogger Silvergirl said...


You're welcome, of course! I sent an email to Michael Moore telling him about the thread in OT. I don't know if he will stop by to read it, but I'm impressed by your letter so much.

I know Al Gore or John Kerry would have done a better job in this emergency. Heck, a monkey would have done better.

*smooch* and good wishes to your nephew

9/03/2005 12:45 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

*smooch* and *hugs* to my favorite mermaid. Thank you, sweetie.

9/03/2005 8:45 PM  
Blogger gothmog said...

You thank Dubya for another kick in the ass, but you? are the one who just plain kicks ass. Nicely done.

9/04/2005 4:01 PM  
Blogger Immunegirl said...

Thanks for posting this Augie. It is very helpful in explaining a little more about how we got into this mess (since I was gone). You rock!!! *smooches* and ((hugs))

9/05/2005 8:07 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Amen sistah. *smooch*

9/05/2005 8:27 PM  
Blogger momma said...


9/06/2005 12:34 PM  
Blogger Supes said...

Good on you Augie.


9/07/2005 7:45 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Augie is attracting the bugs to her blog.
Yes Augie, you should become informed before you speak. You would come across as much more intelligent. *snort*
You're dumb ya know. *snort*
Dubya is the greatest thing to come our way since the plague. *snort*
Fucking moron.

9/08/2005 7:20 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

*GASP* I have bugs in my blog??? Like Libra has bugs in his pasta? Man, I HATE when that happens.

But what do I know? I'm just a damn dumb librul who sounds absurb.

I think this guy is DonnaLynn's brother.

9/08/2005 7:38 PM  
Blogger Glowie said...

oh my. "J Money the Wise"
*snort* Really. That's how he signs his blog.

Augie? I think you're pretty smart, sweets.

9/09/2005 8:55 AM  
Blogger Buggy said...

You are briliant!

( *pfft* to all the peeps who called that idjit a bug. I am soooo offended! *snort*)

jmoney is an idiot! Hey dumbass! The Governor of LA is a woman!

9/10/2005 10:06 AM  

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