Sunday, May 27, 2007


Since it is too early for the flower beds to be lush and full of glory, thought I'd do a few closeups.

Petunias: These are in a container next to the front door.
Rhododendron: This bush is huge -- must be at least 15 feet tall in the back yard. I got it for my mom one Mother's Day about 25 years ago.
More petunias: Love petunias--they can take full sun and just seem to thrive all summer.
Pansies: Such happy faces. These little guys keep Keebler company by the front door.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

10 glorious days...

until I go back to work. 10 days with no committments, no alarm clocks, no "have to's", no nothing!

I'm not going anywhere, I'm not planning anything--except to work in a few afternoon naps. I'm just going to chill out, catch up on my reading (or not), catch up on my DVD watching (or not), do some gardening, relax and recharge.

Last night I soaked in a Lush bathbomb and bath melt (Dream On BB and Dreamtime bath melt). Loved it! And I finished S is for Silence, so I'm all caught up with the Sue Grafton series. Hmmm, wonder when "T" comes out?

As a bonus, I can watch the season finales of 24 and Lost in real time this week and not have to worry about being a zombie at work the next day because I only got 4 or 5 hours of sleep (if that much)!

Man, this is going to be the most perfect week!
Edited to add Keebler - he's happy too! He is surrounded by flowers and not icky ice and snow.
5 points to the first person who can spot the cat in the picture.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I'm a Lush!

The Lush package arrived! I will be bath bombing this weekend.

It all smells so divine that I'm ready to place another order without trying any of it.

I fear I could go crazy here and become truly addicted.

Hold me, people. I'm scared. :-)

Friday, May 11, 2007


-- Today was hair appt day! Cut and color! Boy howdy was it time for a cut and color.

-- I went to Home Depot after my hair appt and did not buy one flowering plant. Not one. I think that is a record for me.

-- For lunch I got a Fish Sandwhich at Burger King and did not enjoy it at all. It was kinda blechy. From now on I will stick to the Whopper Jr.

-- Tomorrow I am going back to Home Depot and WILL buy some flowers for the front yard. This you can count on.

-- My Lush package has not arrived yet, so it looks like there will be no bath bombs this weekend. Oh well.

-- This is going to be a rough weekend for me, but I did want to wish all the bloggy moms out there a Happy Mother's Day. And for those who still have their Mothers with them, if you give them a hug, please give an extra squeeze for me. Cherish your moms, folks. They can be gone much too soon.

Monday, May 07, 2007


No, I'm not talking about Bravie and Weltek. *grin*

I'm talking about bath bombs and bath melts and other such fun stuff. After months and months of reading about how the rest of cyberworld loves this company, I dove in and placed an order.

According to the spiffy email I found in my inbox today, my order is about to be shipped!!!


I can't wait to join the Lushies!

And yes, that time I was talking about Bravie and Weltek.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

It's May! It's May!

May 1st! The sun is shining, the sky is blue...high in the mid 70's.

The dogwoods are in full bloom, the grass is green, leaves are popping out all over the place. This is my favorite time of year. I am always amazed at the infinite shades of green the earth produces in the spring. The lilacs are almost in full glory. *happy sigh* You have not lived until you've experienced the glorious scent of lilacs.

It's May! Thank the Lord winter is OVER!