It's May! It's May!
May 1st! The sun is shining, the sky is blue...high in the mid 70's.
The dogwoods are in full bloom, the grass is green, leaves are popping out all over the place. This is my favorite time of year. I am always amazed at the infinite shades of green the earth produces in the spring. The lilacs are almost in full glory. *happy sigh* You have not lived until you've experienced the glorious scent of lilacs.
It's May! Thank the Lord winter is OVER!
You've been looking at our yard and noticing the four different shades of grass, haven't you? *hangs head in shame* Apparently you should use the same grass seed when re-seeding areas.
*winks and waggles brows at Augie* You're so cute when you are excited about spring.
*snifffffffffffffffffffff* I love lilacs. *dreamy smile*
Are you supposed to be here during the day? Aren't you worried about the sneaky chinese turning you in?
*dances around the May pole with Augie*
*waves to everyone* I LOOOOOVE Spring!
Kim, I never judge others' lawns. Our's always looks fantastic in May and June, but by the time the heat of summer arrives it's pretty beat.
*picks a bouquet of lilacs for Breezy*
Bravie, I made like the sneaky chinese and snuck in during my lunch break and posted. :-)
*dances with Swami*
Did I tell you Shawn cut down the lilac bush?
*scratches head*
I thought August was your favorite time of the year? :P
*glares at Shawn*
*smooches Glow Pop*
Nutzy, spring is my favorite time of year, until we get into summer. Then summer is my favorite time of year. And specifically, August is my favorite month.
You got that?
Amen to that, sistah!
We're re-seeding some of the lawn on Saturday. It BETTER be the same type of grass.
We planted a couple of new rose bushes and some impatiens last weekend.
Yeah, but the friggin' pollen is killing me.
*gasp* You got an Ilse visit in your blog. :)
Oh lord here we go again....
Sami licked my belly....
Hey, just because I don't comment doesn't mean I'm not blurking.
*packs a suitcase and heads to Augies to enjoy Spring together!*
Spring is magical!
The green's and the blue's, and the purple of lilacs.
*takes nap with visions of heaven*
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