Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stupid weather forecasters!

I'm heading out to shovel 6 inches of snow off the driveway, sidewalk and back deck. The storm that was supposed to stay way south of us yesterday *waves to Boo* and perhaps give us snow flurries actually dumped at least 6 inches over my area of Maryland (Baltimore area).

As late as yesterday morning they (Weather Channel, local newscasts) all said we'd get snow flurries in the late afternoon and might have one inch by Sunday morning. It started snowing at 11am and didn't stop until around 8pm. At 11am I headed out to Target to get a prescription refilled, then wanted to stop at the grocery store for my normal weekend excursion.

I spent 5 minutes at Target and drove across the street to the grocery store. Spent about 20 minutes at the grocery store and when I walked outside it was snowing so hard you couldn't see 20 feet in front of you. In 20 minutes we had gotten the one inch total they had predicted for the entire day. It took me 30 minutes to drive 3 miles home, then when I got to my street they were not letting people into my neighborhood.

To get on my street you have to take a right turn from the main road, then you immediately drive up a very twisty, steep hill. If the hill has not been salted it becomes a slip-n-slide of terror. In the many years my family has lived here I have seen countless cars spin, twist, and pummel each other trying to drive up or down that hill. When a snow storm is predicted my county is very good about pre-salting most roads, but since this one was totally blown by everyone, the salt trucks were not out.

Since I have a four wheel drive vehicle, I asked the nice police officer if I could try to get up the hill. I had waited at the bottom for about 10 minutes and the salt truck wasn't there yet. He told me I could try if I wanted, but I knew if I took out the Kirby's mailbox he wasn't going to be too pleased (not to mention the Kirbys). Off I went. Not one bit of trouble! I love my Ford Escape.

Home at last. Now I have to shovel. Ugh.

Is it spring yet?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Assorted thoughts and stuff

It's been a while since my last post and I'm got some things to get off my chest.

1) I think next Christmas I'll either book a room in a tropical resort *waves to Swami* or stay home. Traveling in December sucks, especially when you fly after some idiot lights his underwear on fire on an international flight. And if I'm going to travel, it is going to be for sunshine and palm trees, not for Columbus, Georgia.

2) Who in their right mind would have new windows installed in January? Me!!!! All the bedroom windows, a bathroom window, and a new garden window in the kitchen. Took them all day, and to say it was cold in the house is putting it mildly. But well worth it.

3) Season premiere of 24 last night! YAY! I love Jack Bauer. Two weeks til Lost! YAY!

4) New favorite artist -- Lady Gaga. Love.Her.

5) I bought a Wii. I've gained 10 pounds since Dad died, and this is on top of the weight I've gained since I moved back to Maryland in 2002. I have got to "unfluff" (as Breezy puts it). I refuse to buy clothes in a higher size, and will wear the same old crap to work until I take this weight off.

6) Saw the cast lineup of the next Survivor and am seriously considering going off my self imposed Survivor ban. Fireman Tom! Colby! *drool* Oh yeah...I think I need to check it out.

7) Seven. If I told you I had seven cats would you think that was too many? That this makes me the crazy cat lady? Just asking.

8) New SyFy series starts Friday! Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica prequel. Two words ladies...Esai Morales. Oh yeah!

9) Ikea doesn't serve their Ligonberry juice in the cafeteria anymore. DANG IT! I love that stuff.

10) I can't stop watching the coverage of Haiti. So heartbreaking.

11) Speaking of Haiti -- Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh and their ilk can burn in hell. I'm ashamed of them, that they call themselves Americans, that Robertson labels himself a Christian, that Limbaugh tells his followers not to give to the Red Cross.

12) Because of Limbaugh, I purposely went to the White House website, clicked on the link to the American Red Cross, and made a donation. Take that, you idiot asshole!

13) Is anyone still watching Heroes? I stopped after the second season because I just lost interest...has it gotten better? Should I wait for the full series to go on DVD or just chalk it up to a good idea gone bad?

14) Biggest pet peeve of 2010 (so far) --- fools who text while driving. Unbelievable.

15) Robert Downey Jr is one beautiful man.