Monday, January 18, 2010

Assorted thoughts and stuff

It's been a while since my last post and I'm got some things to get off my chest.

1) I think next Christmas I'll either book a room in a tropical resort *waves to Swami* or stay home. Traveling in December sucks, especially when you fly after some idiot lights his underwear on fire on an international flight. And if I'm going to travel, it is going to be for sunshine and palm trees, not for Columbus, Georgia.

2) Who in their right mind would have new windows installed in January? Me!!!! All the bedroom windows, a bathroom window, and a new garden window in the kitchen. Took them all day, and to say it was cold in the house is putting it mildly. But well worth it.

3) Season premiere of 24 last night! YAY! I love Jack Bauer. Two weeks til Lost! YAY!

4) New favorite artist -- Lady Gaga. Love.Her.

5) I bought a Wii. I've gained 10 pounds since Dad died, and this is on top of the weight I've gained since I moved back to Maryland in 2002. I have got to "unfluff" (as Breezy puts it). I refuse to buy clothes in a higher size, and will wear the same old crap to work until I take this weight off.

6) Saw the cast lineup of the next Survivor and am seriously considering going off my self imposed Survivor ban. Fireman Tom! Colby! *drool* Oh yeah...I think I need to check it out.

7) Seven. If I told you I had seven cats would you think that was too many? That this makes me the crazy cat lady? Just asking.

8) New SyFy series starts Friday! Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica prequel. Two words ladies...Esai Morales. Oh yeah!

9) Ikea doesn't serve their Ligonberry juice in the cafeteria anymore. DANG IT! I love that stuff.

10) I can't stop watching the coverage of Haiti. So heartbreaking.

11) Speaking of Haiti -- Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh and their ilk can burn in hell. I'm ashamed of them, that they call themselves Americans, that Robertson labels himself a Christian, that Limbaugh tells his followers not to give to the Red Cross.

12) Because of Limbaugh, I purposely went to the White House website, clicked on the link to the American Red Cross, and made a donation. Take that, you idiot asshole!

13) Is anyone still watching Heroes? I stopped after the second season because I just lost interest...has it gotten better? Should I wait for the full series to go on DVD or just chalk it up to a good idea gone bad?

14) Biggest pet peeve of 2010 (so far) --- fools who text while driving. Unbelievable.

15) Robert Downey Jr is one beautiful man.


Blogger Breezy said...

My new fave artisit(s) is Lady Antebellum. Love them.

We can defluff together!

As soon as I heard Colby was on, I also debated watching Survivor again. *drool*

I refuse to even type those asshats names. May they burn in hell.

Burn Notice is back this week!!! yay!!!

mmmmmmmm Downy Jr mmmmmmmmmmmm

1/18/2010 12:08 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Breezy, I love love LOVE Lady Antebellum too! I have their new CD on pre-order from Amazon. Should be arriving soon. I watched them sing the National Anthem for one of the college bowl games last month and they blew me away. Best version ever.

1/18/2010 5:25 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I just downloaded all of Lady Gaga's songs onto my iPod this weekend. Love her.
Love Lady Antebellum as well. I love their version of Baby it's cold outside.
Am I the only one who hasn't given up on Survivor????? I can't wait for the new one.

1/19/2010 9:46 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

1. I'm still thinking tropical.

2. Lol! Did you blast your heat to compensate or just turn it off & tough it out?

3. Never got into 24.

4. Even though I'm old I like Lady Gaga well enough.

5. I have clothes in several sizes, lol. You are right - once you can put on a pair of decent looking pants the impetus to diet becomes quite less immediate.

6. I never gave up on Survivor!

7. Eight would be crazy. Seven is crazy-in-waiting.

8. I am so stoked to watch Caprica! I keep checking my DVR line-up to be sure the show is still listed, lol.

9. I've had lingonberry pie - but never the juice.

10. It is so sad. So sad.

11. Agree.

12. Good for you!

13. I have all of the 3rd season still sitting, waiting to be watched in my DVR. It's like 12 eps or something. And now it is picking up more new episodes. I think I still like the show and I keep meaning to watch the saved eps, but then something else looks better and bumps Heroes. Maybe this summer, lol.

14. Agree again!

1/21/2010 5:41 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

I like Lady Gaga, too. Yay for not waiting until the Spring for new windows. I want a Wii, too! I've watched every season of Survivor. TAR, too. You are not a crazy cat lady. At least not the bad kind of crazy cat lady.

1/24/2010 2:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I have always wanted to do the tropical resort thing. Guess I'll have to wait until Conner is a little bit older.

2. I'm sure it will be worth it in the long run, but BRRRRRR!

3. Who? :)

4. Again, who? Is she really a she or a he?

5. Has it insulted you yet?

6. Back off! I called dibs on them first. You can have Coach or Tyson. :)

7. Yes? We're going to soon see you in emails very similar to the people of WalMart.

8. I remember him in Bad Boys with Sean Penn. I'm not into all that SyFy stuff. Maybe if it were starring Colby or Tom . . .

9. I guess I miss all the good stuff. Never heard of that.

10. Agree. Very, very sad.

11. Meh.

12. *high five*

13. I never saw any of it. I think DH still watches it, but he's not as into it as he was.

14. Agree. Frankly, texters in general annoy me.

15. Yes, yes he is.

1/25/2010 10:31 AM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Bravie - My new LA CD should be in my mailbox tomorrow! *hops*

Swami - I had a big space heater next to me and blasted that. It was still cold in the house.

Puffy - I fear I am becoming the crazy cat lady. But at least I inherited most of the cats from my sweet Dad, the cat collector. My goal is to not add to the collection. *grin*

Boo - I don't know who Coach or Tyson are, so I HAVE to have Colby and Fireman Tom. I don't think you want to make the crazy cat lady angry, do you?

1/27/2010 6:21 PM  

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