Monday, October 27, 2008


1 - painful right knee. me thinks my knee will be the first thing to go bad and will need to be replaced. i can't walk up stairs without terrible sharp pains. owie.

2.39 - price of regular unleaded this afternoon (it was 2.99 two weeks ago!)

3 - months until the new Lost season.

4 - weeks until Thanksgiving...where did the year go?

5 - my favorite number :-)

7 - days until the election! i'm trying to stay cool and not think about a win, but...*excited*

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Woo Hoo !!!!!! A list of good stuff

1. Look at that! *points left*

When I first added the Bush Countdown link it was somewhere around 800 days until the end of his (excruciatingly long) term. Today we finally busted into two digits! 99 days and counting.

2. I bought gas this morning at $2.99 a gallon!

3. The powers that be finally re-released the first season of Farscape. I am one season away from a complete Farscape series and unlimited access to enjoy my Ben Browder obsession. My love for Ben is deep and wide. Oh yeah. Ben is uber sexy.

4. RE: #1 above -- I had to use to check my spelling of excruciatingly because it just didn't look right (I had thrown in an extra "t"). The automatic ads that the website generated for excruicating were: Hemmorroids, Ann Coulter, and Leg Pain. I actually laughed out loud. I for one do associate hemmorroids with Ann Coulter, however I think hemmorroids are more preferable and definitely much more attractive.

5. I got new license plates for my car and the numbers on it (1013) add up to 5. I love the number 5. For those who are into numerology, 5 is my life number (my full birthdate condenses into 5, as does my full birth name!). Check out your numbers here:

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The queen bees at work are...

total bitches. Total, complete, horrible bitches. I really, really, really dislike them.

However, it does give me great joy to be nice to them because I know it pisses them off. It kills them when I come in and say "good morning, Queen Bee 1 and Queen Bee 2" because then they have to acknowledge my existance, and that really pains them.

Today in a meeting, they actually rolled their eyes at a suggestion I made to improve a work process. A suggestion that the boss really liked, by the way. I don't care. They're bitches and unpleasant and I am not. People like me. People smile when they see me. People actually talk to me about things other than work. Not so the Queen Bees. People do not like them and avoid them at all costs.

So you know what that means? I win!