1 - painful right knee. me thinks my knee will be the first thing to go bad and will need to be replaced. i can't walk up stairs without terrible sharp pains. owie.
2.39 - price of regular unleaded this afternoon (it was 2.99 two weeks ago!)
3 - months until the new Lost season.
4 - weeks until Thanksgiving...where did the year go?
5 - my favorite number :-)
7 - days until the election! i'm trying to stay cool and not think about a win, but...*excited*
Your numbers weren't in order, they confuse me. I confuse easily I think.
I can NOT wait for this election to be over.
You forgot 6.
Gas is cheap there! numbers are indeed in order. Have you dyed your hair blond? *snort*
GlowPop! I skipped 6 on purpose because I didn't have anything to say about it. Besides I knew it would confuse Breezy. *grin*
I can't wait for our new President. I am worried about the anti gay prop in California though. I'm feeling like it is going to pass. :(
Either way, I can't wait for it to be over. Less stress.
We sat in the hot tub for a very long time tonight to help get rid of stress.
9. What do you have against 9?
You didn't do a "6." It's 6 days until the election! Our gas is about 50-60 cents higher than yours.
1. Sharp pain, popping - all bad things. The day you get out of bed and you can't straighten your knee at.all. is the day you finally call an orthopaedic surgeon..Man - does that hurt!
2.09 - the price of regular unleaded this morning.
3. LOST lost me with their lame second season. I never went back.
4. Shh! I am not (mentally) ready for Thanksgiving!
5. It's an okay number.
6. Is the number you missed.
7. *Watches your Backwards Bush countdown clock and smiles* No matter what happens, the stupid shrub is gone! Yay!!!
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