*cracks knuckles*
*rolls up sleeves*
It's spring cleaning weekend! I am going to clean this house from top to bottom, side to side. There will be no piece of furniture unturned, no dust bunny left free to roam, no window left unwashed. No spot of dirt left unscrubbed. Or something like that.
So, what are you doing this weekend?
*hopeful look*
Anyone want to come over and help? I'll feed you.
Well, Augie, I would *love* to come help you. Too bad this just isn't a good weekend for me to travel. Darn.
How about if you come here and I feed you? Please? :D
I'll run out and buy a cheesecake!
I cleaned - not top to bottom, but I cleaned. I also built a bookcase and a swingset.
I hope tonight you will take it easy, put your feet up and just relax.
Good work, Augie!
I cleaned a little too. And made a copy of a bracelet and necklace in the Lia Sophia catalogue. *grin*
Also sat out in the sun reading quite a bit. It was soooooooooo nice out! *hop*
I've been slowly working on this for the last two weekends. All that is left are the kids room and bathroom. Uck.
I did the living room, dining room, kitchen, and both bathrooms this weekend. *wipes sweat off forehead*
The bedrooms have been saved for next weekend.
And don't even ask me about when I will tackle the basement. *sigh*
*smacks forehead*
*crosses fingers*
Oh darn. I missed all the fun cleaning!
So, any good leftovers?
I'll do it. You have no idea how hungry I am. We didn't leave any food in the house before we left for vacation. *pout*
I spent Sunday night with The Donald.
I'm no help... I spring cleaned my lawn and backyard. Those rotor push mowers with no engines are no fun...
And, yes, the fact that I made a comment about a mower with an "engine" tells you a lot about my mechanical skills.
Aren't you done cleaning yet?
I cleaned my patio, it took nearly all day.
My house is a disaster, can I come live with you?
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