Odd commercials
There seem to be a bunch of commercials lately that make me go "huh?"...
1) The Kleenex "Let if Out" one where the guy has a couch and speaks to people about stuff that makes them cry:
Woman talking about her wedding and she says she is trying not to cry as she walks down the aisle so she says to herself "dead puppies, dead puppies". I don't know about you, but the thought of dead puppies is going to pretty much make me cry everytime, not prevent me from crying. And in light of the recent pet food disaster, this commerical is in really poor taste. Kleenex should pull it.
2) The Gap's boyfriend trouser:
Is that Claire Danes? Dancing in her underwear? With white as snow thighs for all to see? I'm not saying Claire (or whoever that is) is fat, but the girl should have sprayed on some fake tan before the shoot. And speaking of Claire, when I do see her (and I am able to get past her white thighs) I think of her and Billy Crudup hooking up while Billy's girlfriend was like 7 months pregnant. Ewwww. You couldn't have waited two months for the woman to give birth? Hmmm, on second thought, maybe I am calling Claire fat.
3) Orville Redenbacher popcorn:
Orville did oodles and oodles of commericals before he died. There must be tons of Orville footage the company could use for a new ad campaign, yet they have this very creepy looking Orville imposter "pretending" to goof up the commerical shoots. And the goofs aren't even funny. I do not get this new speil at all. The Redenbacher company needs to fire their marketing people.
4) Geico cavemen:
Hate them. Hate them. Hate them. Hate them all.
That is all for now. I am planning on taking daffodil pictures this weekend, so check back soon for some pics.