Thursday, April 27, 2006

More boring pictures. Sorry.

Since no one is complaining, I'm posting more...

Dogwood! They don't seem as colorful as in the past. The four marks of the cross seem pretty faded, not quite as bright in years past. Not sure why. Maybe I need to fertilize more?

These tulips are pretty in pink, don't you think? I thought they looked interesting from a bird's eye view.

Buster the Girl Cat hiding in between daffodils and astible. She is scared of the camera so I have to be rather stealth and take her picture real fast.

Big Fat Harry pretending to be looking at the just emerging lirope, but he's really pissed at the world and is taking this chance to lay in the mulch so he can track it all over the house later.

Some of the last tulips. See the blue grape muscari along the border behind them? Love those little guys--so pretty.

Fair warning people...I'm going to hit the garden center this weekend. It's time to load up on the annuals.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Spring! Part 2

These are the last of the daffodils. The flower heads are small compared to the daffodils most people plant. They have emerged from a group of bigger bulbs I planted next to the back deck. I love their lemon/limey color (which doesn't present very well here, but they are truly gorgeous little flowers).

The redbud. It is sitting in between the magnolias and a Colorado blue spruce with two big ole oaks right behind it. I LOVE this tree, but I'm not sure why they call it a redbud. It's definitely more of a purplebud. See the little blurb of yellow in the lower right? Those are tulips, and to the right of them should be a sea of pink tulips. Sadly, the deer got to the pink tulips before the could bloom.

Hostas! Yay for hostas! They survive anything, they grow like gangbusters, and best of all the deer don't eat the leaves (but they do eat the blooms in the summer, but I love the hosta leaves better than the hosta flowers). I love hostas.

This view is from the house, looking down on a bed of tulips. I need to replant the bed this fall (the moles ate all the purple and most of the yellow tulips I planted so that explains the bare and scraggly spots). The main reason I took this picture is to show the new solar lights I just got. They are mission style in cooper. I love them! If you click on the picture you can see them a little better.

Friday, April 14, 2006


I love these tulips. They are orange/red and really pop against the house.

For the life of me I cannot remember the names of these little guys--I think it's something like snowdrops, or maybe snowdrifts--and I love the way they are trying to mix in with the tulips. If I can find them again I'm going to plant more.

Blue grape muscari! Love them. I have a better picture of them but stupid Blogger isn't letting me post it. Grrrrrrrr.

Blogger finally let me post the other picture!

Daffodils. Who doesn't love daffodils?

This checkerboard fritillary was planted almost 20 years ago, and it keeps coming up. It doesn't quite fit in with my landscaping plans but I don't have the heart to get rid of it.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

New Gnome

I finally got a garden gnome. What do you think? It isn't too tacky, is it?

It's tacky, isn't it? It's going to scare children and small animals, right? I should remove it immediately, right?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Band Meme

Instructions: Choose a band or artist and answer the questions using only titles of their songs.

Hmmmm. Wonder who I choose? <--- Click to find out. *big goofy grin*

Are you male or female? She's Gotta Be
Describe yourself: What About Me
How do some people feel about you: Don't Shut Me Out
How do you feel about yourself: God's Been Good To Me
Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: You'll Think of Me
Describe your current significant other: --------
Describe where you want to be: Making Memories of Us
Describe how you live: Days Go By
Describe how you love: Better Life
What would you ask for if you had just one wish: Somebody Like You
Share a few words of wisdom: But For the Grace of God
Now say goodbye: Out On My Own