I love these tulips. They are orange/red and really pop against the house.
For the life of me I cannot remember the names of these little guys--I think it's something like snowdrops, or maybe snowdrifts--and I love the way they are trying to mix in with the tulips. If I can find them again I'm going to plant more.
Blue grape muscari! Love them. I have a better picture of them but stupid Blogger isn't letting me post it. Grrrrrrrr.
Blogger finally let me post the other picture!
Daffodils. Who doesn't love daffodils?
This checkerboard fritillary was planted almost 20 years ago, and it keeps coming up. It doesn't quite fit in with my landscaping plans but I don't have the heart to get rid of it.
I like all the purplely ones the best. *smooch*
I don't see any garden gnomes in those pictures though.
Oooh! So purty! I agree with Carey, the purple ones are so cool.
I was looking for where the gnome is too. *grin*
They'r all so pretty! The Checkerboard Fritillary ones look a little scary to me. Like they might open up and snap at you as you walk by. The tulips are my favorites, I think.
Very pretty, Augie. I am a flower dummy. You could tell me those were all carnations and I'd believe you.
Ok, well I'm not that dumb, but pretty close. :)
So beautiful!!!
Gorgeous flowers!I'm not good on flower names, so my order of preference is: blue, red, white/yellow, white, purple.
This is a nice change from rain and snow, isn't it?
Carey and Nutz - I added another picture of the blue grape muscari (the purple ones).
MM - the Fritillary are really very lovely. If you click on the picture it will enlarge a bit and you can see the pattern. The flower only stands about 5 inches tall.
Jen - You stick with me and I'll teach you all I know about flowers (which isn't really a lot). It helps that I keep the tags and instructions from the stuff I plant so that I do remember. There are some things out in the yard that I have no idea what they are. :-)
Momma and Puffy - If you lived here I'd show up on your doorsteps with a nice bouquet of tulips. :-)
Oh beautiful. They go so well with the garden gnome too.
Yes, I think those are snowdrift. I'm beginning to really love flower gardening, with the help of my Mom.
I love those Checkerboard things are so neat! Will you be able to transplant them when you do your landscaping? I can ask Mom about them if you want.
Breezy<--- her mom is a gardening pro
*smooch* My lilac tree has buds! I almost peed myself when I saw them this morning.
Augie they are so pretty. The muscari turn me on a little!
May I share a sweet story?
My father was an avid gardner. He started in January with his seed catalogs. Raised them in his basement with a greenhouse he rigged up. I would give him seeds to start for me.
He would give me back plants and the little white plastic stakes he would write what each plant was so I knew where to put each when I transplanted(I would put the little stake in the ground too)
The first spring after he died I was cleaning out the garden and found some of those stakes. Usually I pull them up after the flowers start to bloom. I smiled and put them in my winter coat. I have not had the heart to throw them out. It's his handwriting! During the cold winter months I put my hands in my pockets and run my fingers over them and it just comforts me.
Breezy - I love lilacs! love them!
Bob - The gnome is quite landscape worthy, don't you think?
Zombie - Your story made me cry. So sweet. My dad is a gardener too.
So pretty. *smooch* I love the color of the tulips.
Zombs, you bloody sap!
My dear grandma was a gardener. Now, you will make me all teary, you undead critter you!
*hugs zombie*
*sniff* Nice story Zombs. *hugs*
Pretty flowers Augie. The snow has finally melted in my flower bed at home and the tulips and daffodils are about 4 inches high. No flowers yet though.
The rock garden at the cottage has some green stuff in it already. The side of the hill it's on gets lots of sun so the snow's been gone for a while there.
I've got my little peat pots, seeds and soil ready to start. I asked Dad about when to start them on Saturday and he said I could start them any time now. It's still way too early to plant anything outside up here. Still too many frosty nights.
Oh my gosh, gorgeous! I love the first flowers of spring!
My tulips haven't bloomed yet...maybe by next weekend.
My lungwort is looking beautiful with lots of blue & purple flowers. Nothing else has flowered out yet, by is really greening up.
My forsythia is just starting to burst with yellow flowers.
Sorry to hear about your lungwort, Kim. I hope it heals real fast. What a time to get sick, right over a holiday! :)
Spring flowers get me all tingly.
I keep coming back to your blog just to look at the pretty pictures.
LOL, Puffy! Damn lung warts!
Very pretty Augie. Very pretty. I'd be ashamed to have you see my yard.
Especially all the weeds under the porch - which we're going to fix by putting up latice. :)
Augie! You've been tagged!
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