Uncle! Uncle!
I call "Uncle" -- as in "I give up". I surrender! I'm done.
Some nice young man my coworker recommended is coming over this weekend to give me an estimate on lawn services for the summer. The mere thought of having to trim, mow, edge, and rake our yard every week until late October has me exhausted. As much as I love gardening, I HATE the maintenance part. And mowing over a half acre in the middle of July in Maryland is torture.
I really don't care what the estimate is, how much he says it will cost each week, I'm going to sign the contract. Thank the Lord I am at a point where I can afford it. And since I won't be spending one day out of each weekend doing the maintenance I will be spending more time on the fun stuff -- the flower beds. I also have a few projects in mind, and I am hoping to get my Dad's vegetable garden back in shape. I am hoping he will take interest in it again. Last year I couldn't even get him outside to look at the few tomato plants I put in (that the deer ate anyway). They even ate a jalapano pepper plant I put out.
On second thought, the vegetable garden probably isn't a good idea considering all the deer around here. One day last week I saw at least 15 deer trotting through the back yard. At last inspection not one tulip bulb I have planted will be blooming this spring. They have all been nibble down to the dirt -- even the ones planted right next to the house. *sigh* I know the deer have to eat but I love tulips. Oh well.