End of summer pictures
I've been negligent in posting pictures this summer. Truth is with taking care of Dad I've been pretty much focused on him and not the yard. But, I have managed to do a little bit and the yard is not too embarassing. So here you go...
Blackeyed Susans and Purple Liatris (pay no attention to the hideous ugly fence in the background...that belongs to the hideous ugly neighbor).
Lantana - I am seriously in love with Lantana and next year will plant tons of them everywhere.
Purple verbena and White vinca
Petunias! Who doesn't love petunias?
The obgliatory pictures of my Big Fat Harry. Here he is at the very back of the backyard, underneath a tree. The grass in that section of the yard is super soft and yummy (as opposed to the horrible crabgrass everywhere else *shame*) and the whole area is pretty shady, so during this summer he has gone back there for the most of the day, then relocates to the front yard when the sun goes down (the front of the house faces the West). I'm also happy to report he has slimed down some and I am very curious to see what he weighs when he has his yearly Vet visit in a few weeks.
This is his "I'm totally pissed off because you woke me up" look. He has this look a lot.
Ahh, the life of a spoiled pet. Doesn't get any better than this.
I love Big Fat Harry. *giggle*
I wish I could tell you that Big Fat Harry loves you, Bravie, but the truth is he loves no one. He only tolerates me because I feed him.
His name should really be Big Fat Cranky Harry.
I like when cats stretch out really l-o-n-g like Harry. Your flowers are beautiful, of course. Seeing them is motivation for me.
I love it when you post pictures because then I can go to the flower places and sound like I have a clue.
I want to scritch his tummy something fierce.
I'm so jealous of your fall flowers. Around here, everything just turns brown for the most part.
Puffy, until recently Harry was more wide than long. :-)
Boo! Flowers are easy. You just tell the people at the flower place you want the pretty pink ones. That's what I do.
Kim, my flowers will soon be brown and faded and icky. It's amazing what the first frost will do. And we had a pretty mild August (not as hot and brutal as usual) so the flowers stayed perky longer.
Pretty flowers!
Love the flowers. I'm totally changing my gardens - moving location and everything.
Cats, cats. I love cats.
Breezy and I were just discussing how we need to kidnap you to come and take care of our flowerbeds for us.
Mine is a mess. :( Help me!
Oh wow! I love that first picture so much! I would totally make a sig pic out of it (if I knew how, lol).
Thanks for the pictures, you always have great ones!
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