Sunday, November 11, 2007

November thoughts

November has never been one of my favorite months. It's usually cold, dreary, and rainy and is--in my mind--the precursor to winter (we had snow flurries yesterday morning! ACK!). The only reason November is not my least favorite month (which is actually March) is because 1) my nephew Jeremiah was born on Nov 9th 2) Thanksgiving and 3) my parents were married in November. Only because of these three facts is November spared the title of My Least Favorite Month.

If my mom were still here my parents would celebrate their 52nd anniversary on the 26th. In this world of instant marriage and quickie divorce a la Britney Spears, it just boggles my mind people can stay married for that long. Kudos to my parents and those of their kind who took their vows of "for better or worse" seriously.

Helpful hint: If you go to Goggle with the intent of finding a susposedly wicked funny blog about the evils of the Croc shoe, try to remember that Croc is spelled "croc" and not "crock". And when you mistakenly type in "crock" please remember to add the "r" because "crock" spelled without the "r" gives you a VERY BAD GOGGLE RESULT. Trust me on this.

My two favorite new shows of the season are Journeyman and Pushing Daisies. Love them both. I've missed the last two episodes of Heroes and it hasn't bothered me in the least. Have not enjoyed this second season of Heroes at all. Hope it improves soon.

I'm not watching Survivor this season and I don't miss it at all. After the fiasco that was Big Brother this summer I think my tolerance for voluntarily watching people being cruel to each other has ended. I did watch the first episode of The Amazing Race last week and plan to watch it again. The Amazing Race is still my favorite reality show, so I'm hoping I don't start to hate it too.

My nephew Lucas is still in Iraq. They were supposed to come home the first week of December, but they got extended to the full 15 months and won't be home until March. We are beyond disappointed, as he is, but the reality is we have no choice but to deal with it. If you are the praying kind, please pray for all our men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and think good thoughts that they all will be home soon, safe and healthy.

Christmas is 43 days away. How the frack did that happen?

I'm contemplating retiring this blog, retiring "augie". My time on the internet is getting limited (by choice). I don't feel I have anything interesting to say, or share, and even my garden failed me this year so I didn't even post that many pictures. I think "augie" has served her purpose and needs to be put away, like a well worn doll or stuffed animal.

In the future if you see me posting on your blogs I'll be "yvonne", not "augie". For now I'll keep this blog open but am really leaning towards tossing it into the big internet void called "delete". I'll let you all know when the time has come to end it, to remove me from your shortcuts.

PS who watched the CMA awards last Wednesday and said to themselves "Keith Urban should dump that skinny ho bag Nicole and hook up with Augie"? *raises hand*