Sunday, November 11, 2007

November thoughts

November has never been one of my favorite months. It's usually cold, dreary, and rainy and is--in my mind--the precursor to winter (we had snow flurries yesterday morning! ACK!). The only reason November is not my least favorite month (which is actually March) is because 1) my nephew Jeremiah was born on Nov 9th 2) Thanksgiving and 3) my parents were married in November. Only because of these three facts is November spared the title of My Least Favorite Month.

If my mom were still here my parents would celebrate their 52nd anniversary on the 26th. In this world of instant marriage and quickie divorce a la Britney Spears, it just boggles my mind people can stay married for that long. Kudos to my parents and those of their kind who took their vows of "for better or worse" seriously.

Helpful hint: If you go to Goggle with the intent of finding a susposedly wicked funny blog about the evils of the Croc shoe, try to remember that Croc is spelled "croc" and not "crock". And when you mistakenly type in "crock" please remember to add the "r" because "crock" spelled without the "r" gives you a VERY BAD GOGGLE RESULT. Trust me on this.

My two favorite new shows of the season are Journeyman and Pushing Daisies. Love them both. I've missed the last two episodes of Heroes and it hasn't bothered me in the least. Have not enjoyed this second season of Heroes at all. Hope it improves soon.

I'm not watching Survivor this season and I don't miss it at all. After the fiasco that was Big Brother this summer I think my tolerance for voluntarily watching people being cruel to each other has ended. I did watch the first episode of The Amazing Race last week and plan to watch it again. The Amazing Race is still my favorite reality show, so I'm hoping I don't start to hate it too.

My nephew Lucas is still in Iraq. They were supposed to come home the first week of December, but they got extended to the full 15 months and won't be home until March. We are beyond disappointed, as he is, but the reality is we have no choice but to deal with it. If you are the praying kind, please pray for all our men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and think good thoughts that they all will be home soon, safe and healthy.

Christmas is 43 days away. How the frack did that happen?

I'm contemplating retiring this blog, retiring "augie". My time on the internet is getting limited (by choice). I don't feel I have anything interesting to say, or share, and even my garden failed me this year so I didn't even post that many pictures. I think "augie" has served her purpose and needs to be put away, like a well worn doll or stuffed animal.

In the future if you see me posting on your blogs I'll be "yvonne", not "augie". For now I'll keep this blog open but am really leaning towards tossing it into the big internet void called "delete". I'll let you all know when the time has come to end it, to remove me from your shortcuts.

PS who watched the CMA awards last Wednesday and said to themselves "Keith Urban should dump that skinny ho bag Nicole and hook up with Augie"? *raises hand*


Blogger Breezy said...

Yep he needs to dump her.


11/12/2007 9:58 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

He should dump her for you. Definately.

Other high points of November:

November is when Project Runway starts. After TAR this is my favorite reality show.

Two of my three children were born in November.

*off to Google the evil cock shoe*

*practices spelling Yvonne*

11/12/2007 4:45 PM  
Blogger momma said...

I said it in Weltek's blog, and I'll say it again. Nicole is looking too plastic a la Stepford Wives. And Keith was looking slightly orange. *frowny face*

Augie is not old enough to retire. 'Nuff said.


11/12/2007 5:23 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

First of all, *smooches.* You seem a little bit down. I hope it's temporary. And I hope that you stick around and don't delete your blog. I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your photos.

What IS your least favorite month? I know a lot of people like the fall, but, to me, it's a precursor to winter, which I don't like.

"Pushing Daisies" is one of my new favorite shows, too.

I've never liked Nicole Kidman. My thought was "Keith Urban should dump that skinny ho bag Nicole and hook up with YVONNE."

I googled "crocs" and saw this link:
According to THIS clip from the Daily Show, "If [someone is] wearing Crocs, they are soliciting incredibly depraved gay sex."

11/12/2007 7:59 PM  
Blogger mtw said...

Like Puffy, I was thinking Keith should hook up with Yvonne.

Count me among those who would be bummed to lose all contact with you - whatever you call yourself. Even though you rarely update and we rarely communicate, when I do see you, I remember "1000's of smooches" and being your cabana boy.

11/13/2007 6:29 PM  
Blogger Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

I also like Pushing Daisies! We just have to watch it with the kids gone to bed, so we can listen carefully to the lines that are so quickly said! 3 kids interrupting does NOT help the situation.

Swami - I did not realize Project Runway was starting - will have to go check that out!

11/15/2007 9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you that I was about to send you an email because I hadn't seen you in so long. And that I was thinking about you because of Thankgsiving around the corner and how you will not have your mom with you.

So I popped over here to make sure there was no update only to find the pleasant surprise of an update.

I was thinking that Keith should hook up with Augie until I realized that Augie might be going away.

I can certainly understand and appreciate your cutting back on internet time. Sometimes I wonder if I need to do the same thing. But I am glad to be here. There really is a different relationship here and, even if you decide not to post too often, it's always nice to see an update.

Perhaps a new template would make you feel better. Like a beachy scene. I hope it's okay that you will always be Augie to me.

*hugs* about your nephew.

11/15/2007 10:55 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I don't believe that I have a least favorite month. Maybe January. But the Superbowl in in January so I can't totally hate it.

I applaude them. Marriage is NOT easy and I always admire those who make it work for better or worse. I admire your parents for that.

Now I want to Google Cock shoes. I still might.

I have been watching both of those shoes. They aren't must sees for me but I enjoy them enough.

Survivor has not been horrible. Not like Big Brother.

I pray all the time for our troops. Especially for those who are close to those who I love. They just get a little extra.

Your name is Yvonne? I had no idea. I thought your real name Gertrudes Venezuela Augmentation.

11/15/2007 6:41 PM  
Blogger lights said...

I know what you mean about November. We normally get our first "bad commute" day in November and I get bummed about the thought of a winter of driving worries.

But, November 4th is our anniversary (29 years this year) so it isn't all bad. My parents will celebrate their 50th in April. My brother's anniversary is November 26th. I hope they have a long marriage like your parents. *hugs*

Croc shoes are scary enough let alone cock shoes. *shudder*

I tried Pushing Daisies but didn't get into it. Still love The Unit. It made me cry this week.

Still watching Survivor but I have to admit that I've lost some interest in it. TAR rocks though.

*prayers for Lucas and everyone over there*

I would really miss you if you hit the delete button. I don't update much myself. Sporadic updates are always better than nothing.


11/16/2007 11:22 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

Selfishly, I don't want you to retire "Augie" or delete this blog. But when I remember that it's not all about me (even though, deep down, I think it really should be. The world would be a much better place, IMO, if people everywhere would quit worrying about anything other than what they could to do to make Arkie happy), of course, you have to do what's right for you. I disagree that you have nothing interesting to say or share. I may not comment much (because I'm very self-absorbed these days), but I do check here often to see if you have said anything.

I'm not googling cock shoes. I'm just not. I googled sasquatch porn for zombie, but I draw the line at cock shoes.

I'm curious as to why March is your least favorite month. March leads to spring, which leads to summer, so I would think that would give March bonus points.

Love and prayers for you, your family, and all others who have loved ones in Iraq.


11/18/2007 11:14 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...


I don't think Keith deserves you, personally, but if you want him, I believe you deserve him.

*good thoughts for Lucas*

I adopted a soldier this year. Our university came up with this thing; everybody who has loved ones in the military can enroll them in this program. If you choose to "adopt", you pick up a box and fill it with useful things (eye drops, disposable razors, toothbrushes, peanuts, sunflower seeds) then you return it to the person who enrolled them and they send it off to them. I'm not sure why everybody hasn't "adopted" a soldier. As far as I know, I'm the only person on this floor who has.

I'm not a fan of November but I'm not sure I have a least favorite month. January is my favorite month. pfffft to Carey.

11/20/2007 11:43 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

*Swami hoists a left-over, deep-dish rhubarb pie high over her head, winds up, throws and...*


11/23/2007 10:49 AM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

November has probably been my least fave month because it's a reminder that the holidays are coming and that stresses me out.

I'll take your word about googling misspelled croc shoes LOL.

*HUGS* It makes me sad that Lucas is still over there. I'll keep him in my thoughts.

I lost interest in Journeyman but DH & I still love watching Pushing Daisies. DH is in love with Chuck.

If you do retire your blog, please don't be a stranger.


11/26/2007 9:23 PM  
Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

I like updates, even if infrequent.

12/02/2007 3:12 PM  
Blogger momma said...

Okay, dearest Yvonne. It's December. Time for a new post!


12/07/2007 10:32 AM  
Blogger lights said...

Methinks we need a place to wish the Augustchick Merry Christmas. :D


12/21/2007 7:28 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

I know you'll have some sad moments this Christmas, without your mom. She'll always be in your heart. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Eat a couple of those yummy cookies that you have, for me!

12/22/2007 1:10 AM  
Blogger Zombs said...

Merry Christmas Yvonne!

I'm thinking of you and your entire family. I do hope you return for Lost! Only 1 more month!

I need my TV soulmate back!

12/24/2007 2:30 PM  
Blogger Lasann said...

I've been rare to the internet lately also. But I would be sad if Augie disappeared completely.

12/26/2007 9:01 AM  

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