Things that made me happy in 2010
In no particular order...
1. I have a job, a roof over my head, and plenty of food to eat. Can't really ask for anything more, can we?
2. Very kind neighbors who helped dig me out of the 4 feet of snow dumped on us during the double blizzards in February.
3. My Keurig coffee machine. It's going on three years old and I adore it every single day.
4. My cats are all healthy and give me joy every day. Well, almost every day. We're currently dealing with one who has tummy issues and can't make it to the litter box fast enough. Been doing a lot of laundry and floor cleaning. Which leads me to...
5. My Haan steam floor cleaner. LOVE.IT. And my purple Dyson Animal Vacuum. LOVE.IT.
6. New music this year from Keith Urban, Vertical Horizon, Gin Blossoms, and a new Christmas album from Mariah Carey! *big happy sigh*
7. Cheesecake, chocolate, prime rib, italian food, chinese food, bacon, pizza...yum.
8. My family is healthy and doing well. Both nephews are in college and have jobs. My Aunt Virginia (Dad's twin sister) will be 87 years old in February. Aunt Jane (Mom's sister) just turned 87. Both are still as sharp as tacks.
9. George Clooney.
10. Good friends. And yes, that means you. *big hug*