Sunday, June 20, 2010

I'm a foster Mom!

Look what showed up on my door. Well, it was my neighbor who showed up with her. Pretty little kitty followed neighbor Cindy and her hubby home from their morning walk. They own rottweilers, and in Cindy's words, they don't know "nothing about kittens". They knocked on many doors asking if anyone is missing a kitty. No takers.

Cindy knows I have cats and came here asking if I was missing one. I'm not, but that doesn't mean I wasn't curious. So I said I'd take a look at her (Lost Kitty was in a dog cage in the back of their van). Cindy opened the cage and this sweet girl almost leaped into my arms. She was filthy dirty, loaded with fleas and terribly skinny. As soon as I saw how bad she was I told Cindy I'd take her.

The plan is to canvas the neighborhood to find an owner (personally, I think someone dumped her hoping some smuck *points to self* would take her -- people have always dumped their unwanted pets in this neighborhood). I've already called the Humane Society to see if anyone reported her missing. No one has.

Right now she has a full belly, has been combed with the flea comb, had Frontline applied, and is sleeping on the bed. If I leave the room she howls until I come back. Clearly she has been around people and is not a feral cat.

I can't help but notice she came to me on Father's Day. I think my dad had something to do with this. Cindy knew my dad and when she found her Dad was probably whispering in her ear..."take her to Augie. Take her to Augie". My dad was the biggest softie in the universe.

She's been with me all afternoon and I love her already. I'm hoping no one claims her. Like I need another cat, but hey! What is one more? Her name is Baby Girl until I find her family or until I officially adopt her (which in my mind is when I take her to the vet).


Blogger Breezy said...

Awwwww She is so cute!

Welcome to Augie's family Baby Girl. (personally I think she looks like a Cindy)

*kitten smooches*

6/20/2010 4:39 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Yay!!!!! Look how cute she is. I think her name is Bravie. *grin*

6/20/2010 10:30 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

OMG, tears welled up in my eyes and I'm bawling. I know that your father sent her to you. I love the gold coloring on her face.

6/21/2010 2:07 AM  
Blogger yvonne said...

She is SO sweet! Her little face is this combination of sad and content. She is very smart...already uses the litter box after showing her one time where it was.

She slept with me last night, and she was very happy to see me when I came home from work today. There has been some hissing from the other cats, but nothing more and I know they will get used to her soon.

And she's a lap cat! YAY!

6/21/2010 5:44 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

oooooh, kitty! You are the best. *smooch* for Augie and *scritches* for your new kitty named Bravie. :-)

Lap cats are the best. All three of ours are lap cats. Unfortunately, that means Chris or I generally have two cats on one lap.

6/22/2010 11:27 AM  

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