Sunday, May 30, 2010

Meet the family...

From left - Great Aunt Lula, my grandmother Mary, Great Uncle Carl (my Mom's side of the family). Picture taken about 1906.

My Great Grandfather Charles - Houston, Texas circa 1946 (my dad's grandfather on his mom's side). He lived to be 90 years old. He was a school teacher.

Great Uncle Carl (that's also him in the first picture above) - he served in WWI and died at age 24 in 1920. He had been gassed in the war, came home and eventually died of his injuries. I have had this picture framed and displayed in my home since I graduated from college. His story makes me so sad, and I know my grandmother and Aunt Lula never really got over his death. My Dad and his twin sister Virginia, about 1930. I love this picture. It too has traveled with me for years. Aunt Virginia is the last sibling left.
My Great Uncle Hezekiah (my Dad's uncle). He was born in 1886. Apparently Hezekiah is an old family name...I've found 5 people in the family tree with this name. Uncle Hezekiah was Dad's favorite uncle. He died in 1947.
I still haven't found Mable (see a few posts below), but I haven't given up. I'll post more family pics later on.


Blogger Puffy said...

These photos are precious and priceless. You're so lucky to have them. Make sure they're well marked so "in the future," people will know who is in the picture.

By the way, Gothmog mentioned in OT, that he "misses Augie terribly" and wishes that you'd come back to play.

5/31/2010 2:12 AM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Thanks Puffy. I agree they are very precious. I'm sad that there are so many that have no names on them. I don't like to think these folks are 'forgotten'.

If you 'talk' to Gothmog tell him I said "HEY!!". OT lost it's magic long ago, and I don't even think I remember my password. :-)

5/31/2010 8:29 AM  
Blogger CQ said...

Uncle Hezekiah was a total babe. I miss you and think of you daily. xo, claudia

5/31/2010 8:09 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

Love the pics!

6/01/2010 10:40 AM  
Blogger frodis said...

Those are great photos! You must be having so much fun with the photos and research.

Hezekiah is a biblical name. I think Hezekiah was a king so it's a cool name to have had.

I used to have a friend in college who would make up biblical quotes and attribute them the The Book of Hezekiah and people wouldn't usually question him about it. He'd say things like, "A penny saved is a penny earned. Hezekiah 14:3." Nevermind that they didn't have pennies in biblical times and there is no Book of Hezekiah. And I think Ben Franklin said that.

6/01/2010 2:02 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

HOLY COW! A Claudia sighting! I've missed you too. And I agree -- Uncle Hezekiah is a hottie. I'll post another pic of him later.

Thanks Breezy and Fro. I'm so lucky to have them. My grandmother's house burned down in the 40's and everyone thought the pictures were lost. I think a lot of the pictures were lost, but this box was saved. I don't know how Dad got them, but I'm glad he did. YAY!

And LOL @ Fro's friend. The book of Hezekiah. :-)

6/01/2010 6:51 PM  
Blogger CQ said...

i love looking at old pictures and seeing traces of new generations in the faces of old. i see a lot of you in your grandmother.

6/01/2010 7:39 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

You have some hotties in your family tree. :-)

6/04/2010 3:53 PM  

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