Thursday, May 20, 2010

Getting all grown up and stuff...

I have offically grown up. I have my very own paid-in-full cemetary plot (next to Mom), vault, and plaque. The plaque will be ready to install in about a month. Nice Mr. Nixon at the memorial gardens will call me when the rendering is in, at which time I will go to the office and approve it. Upon approval, they will make it and install it. Not sure how I'll feel the first time I see the plaque in it's full glory, announcing to all my final resting place.

Since the plaque is paid off, I have now purchased my very own coffin, to include the interment fees (hey, they don't plant you in the ground for free folks!). I have to say the decision regarding which coffin to buy was simple. He showed me pictures of a few of them, I picked one type, then I had a choice between copper and silvertone. I picked copper. Pretty sure my comment to him was something along the lines of "Well, I don't really care since I won't be looking at it. But, I think I'll look good in cooper". Am I a dork, or what?

Easy payment plan, no interest...can't beat that with a stick. Once this is paid off, I will make my way to the funeral home and buy myself a funeral. Fun!

I'm hoping I don't have to use any of this any time soon, but I want to make sure my nephews don't get stuck with paying for my burial.

Pre-paid funeral costs: The gift that gives only when you are gone.


Blogger Breezy said...

*hugs* Augie is all grown up.

5/21/2010 8:37 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

Holy Cow, Augie! Next month is when I oversee the installation of Tom's & my plaque. What a freaky coincidence! We should get online drunk together or something.

I would definately have gone with the copper because tarnished silver is ugly while aging copper goes straight to a pretty green patina. Or something.

5/21/2010 12:20 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Thanks Breezy.

Swami! Too freaky! We must be sisters from another mother. :-)

I'm happy with the copper choice and agree with you about the aging thing. Of course no one will see it age (I hope!) but we have to be stylish even in death.

5/22/2010 11:01 AM  
Blogger Puffy said...

We have the plot but nothing else. I think my coffin will be wood. By the way, what's the ending date on your plaque?

After my mom died, my dad put his name on the plaque, too. It was freaky to see his name on it while he was still alive. Their coffins are on top of each other in a double grave.

I don't think I've ever seen the name of someone who hadn't died yet on a plaque. Will your plaque be placed on the ground or do they keep it in storage until it's needed?

5/22/2010 10:21 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Puffy - no end date. That is TBD. :-)

Once I approve the rendering, they will install it. Should take about a month. Once I die, they will take it up and add the end date.

5/23/2010 6:35 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Wow, you are one prepared chickie! Copper will give you better skin glow than silvertone, I agree. :-)

*hugs* Just because I don't want to think about Augie death.

5/24/2010 11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so did anyone else read "internet" fees instead of "interment" fees? I read that and said, WTH?

Good for you Augie for doing this. It's something that more people should do or at least think about but not something we want to do.

I have been surrounded by death lately, so this has actually been on my mind a lot. While I haven't looked into plots and plaques, etc., I have thought about arrangements. It would be nice for me to at least lay out some plans, so that Michael wouldn't have to.

I have a real problem with the whole death and funeral process. Maybe I'll have to blog about that one day so that I don't clog up your space with it.

5/27/2010 9:37 AM  

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