Friday, March 19, 2010

More random crap you probably don't care about...

1. My right knee has developed a new issue to go with the grinding of my floating patella...shooting hot pain when I kneel on it. I'm seriously falling apart. There might be one part of my body that isn't giving me trouble. Maybe.

2. The 6 artists currently residing in my car's CD changer:
~~Kings of Leon
~~Lady Antebellum
~~Lady GaGa
~~Carolina Liar

3. The news of Sandra Bullock's husband cheating on her has me so incensed you'd think I was the one cheated on. I feel like going to California to kick his ass myself. How.Dare.He.

4. It's very apparent I need to remove several bushes and trees that did not fare well this winter. Not to state the obvious, but over 40 inches of snow in 5 days can really do a number on the landscape.

5. I am trying very hard to clip and use coupons in order to save on my grocery bill. Last Saturday $25 was taken off the total using coupons. Very exciting! I'm pretty sure that was a fluke, but I figure if I diligently clip coupons for items I use, I can probably save around $5 a week. Small amount, but it can add up.

6. Every day when I leave for work I tell one of the cats they are in charge. "Harry, you're in charge today. Everyone listen to Harry". I told someone at work about this and they asked me if I thought they understood. I said, no, they're cats, I'm pretty sure they don't speak English. I do it because it cracks me up (clearly I amuse myself and/or I'm nuts - or both), not because I think they understand. But can you imagine if they did? Harry, the grumpy one, would make everyone go in the basement and stay there until I got home. That way he'd be alone upstairs without anyone bothering him. Bennie, the big sweet lovey dovey: "Get on the bed everyone, let's cuddle until Mom gets home". Lucy, the prissy calico: "I don't care what anyone does, but if you make a mess you clean it up".


Blogger Breezy said...

1. Sucks getting old.

2. CDs? People still listen to CDs? *rereads #1* Oh

3. It has totally pissed me off too.

4. So sick of winter.

5. I use to match up the sales ads to the weekly coupon inserts.

6. LOL

3/21/2010 8:55 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I love your cat declarations!

I didn't think about the landscape chaos. *pout* I hope this doesn't mean fewer flower pics from you.

I am also an avid couponer. My grocery store doesn't accept internet coupons (but has a great gas promo that saves me tons of money, so I stick with them). So mostly I just use Sunday paper coupons and wait until stuff is on sale. My girlfriend and I were just sharing that our husbands are never as excited about coupons as we are.

3/22/2010 2:48 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Shite, I have been having knee problems lately. Did I catch something from you?

I am so disappointed in Jesse James. I really thought that maybe he was a decent guy. asshole.

Our cats don't understand us??? Uh, um, yes, I knew this.

3/23/2010 10:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Knee pain/injury makes me feel a little ill. For me it's like talking about that garbage disposal rubber flap.

2. I just discovered Lady Antebellum. One would certainly understand why I wouldn't want to go anywhere near anything with that name *grin*, but I happened across "Need You Now" on Friday evening as I waited in the truck for Michael to shop for golf stuff. Great song.

3. Let's double team him.

4. I need to get out and clean out my flower beds, but it has still been very wet. Yuck. Two of my trees in the yard are looking good right now. The Japanese Maple is having some issues. It's like half of it is dead.

5. My friend Jamie has gotten me on this kick. I had two coupons set aside for today that were going to net me $2 off of Flintstone vitamins for Conner, and $1.10 off of Breakstones Sour Cream. Someone tossed them. Ack!!!

6. Cute.

3/24/2010 10:55 AM  
Blogger yvonne said...

*ignoring the rude whippersnapper Breezy*

Yes Carey, my knee aches are contagious. *sneezes on Carey*

Kim, I'm planning on spending more time this year on the landscape. I just didn't have the heart last year, as the yard was Dad and my 'thing'. I've promised myself I'll do a grand job in his honor. Or at least try.

Boo, I HATE losing coupons. And I never seem to lose/misplace the 50 cent coupons, it is always the dollar value ones.

3/24/2010 5:48 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

1. Bad knees suck. Be nice to your knee! Do you have a kneeler pad or something for when you garden? Last year I set the 3 gardens furthest from the house free. Now I only weed them when the weeds are taller than the perennials!

2. I can't think of a single thing to hum from that list of artists.

3. I didn't realize you felt so strongly about Sandra. Isn't this a Curse of the Best Actress thing?

4. Heavy snow can sure wreak havoc on shrubs. The prettiest ones always get the worst breaks - and in the worst places too!

5. $5 sounds more typical than $25

6. Lol - I always leave my cat Tippy Toes in charge, but not until I put the birdcage into the bathroom & close the door!

3/25/2010 3:11 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

My cat understands me. She just chooses to ignore me most of the time.

4/02/2010 10:33 AM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Ever since I returned from my vacation, when I go out, I reassure my cat that it's only for a couple of hours, not for 3 weeeks.

4/14/2010 10:26 PM  

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