Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow, Shovel, Sore

Snow - 18 inches total

Shovel - Two hours to shovel the driveway

Sore - Every part of my body. OW!

I really want to take a nap, but I fear I won't be able to get up again. OW!

It's time to buy a snow blower. Of course once I do get one we won't get any measurable snow ever again. But at least my knees will thank me.


Blogger Breezy said...

Your knees? LOL You are old.

Just think, with all those calories you burned off shoveling you can have more Christmas cookies!!!

12/20/2009 7:10 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

No snow in Georgia, is there? Have a Merry Christmas!

12/20/2009 9:48 PM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

We had the same amount just over a week ago-I feel for you. My neck hurt for about a week afterwards, as did a coworkers, so we figured it must have been so much shoveling so early in the season.

Hope they have the roads nicely cleared by now. Took our cities a few days to get the roads in decent shape.

12/21/2009 9:53 AM  
Blogger yvonne said...

*ignores Breezy*

*rubs knees*

No snow scheduled for Georgia, Puffy! We might get additional flurries Christmas Eve night, but I'll be way south by then.

Kim, the tendonititis in my right elbow has flared up, in addition to my achy knees. As to the condition of the roads, the main roads are cleared, but my road is a little iffy. It was mostly a layer of compacted snow with two ruts from the tires. Just gotta be careful in the mornings when I go to work.

12/21/2009 5:39 PM  
Blogger frodis said...

I haven't shoveled in a few years, mostly because I've been pregnant in the winter for the past few.

Every year my husband says that this is the year to buy a snowblower, and then come spring he decides not to. One of these years, he actually will do it.

We're expecting ice over the next few days so I bought two big bags of salt today. That's my contribution to snow clearance.

12/23/2009 12:13 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...


1/03/2010 12:44 PM  

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