Random thoughts and stuff
I've been neglectful of my little blog. Sorry, little blog!
1. Ben & Jerry's Key Lime Pie ice cream (Limited Batch) is DA BOMB!
2. So happy we have a new season of the Amazing Race. I'm hoping the engaged couple stays a bit longer because they are just so darn stupid and it's entertaining -- however I'm not sure my ears can take too much more of her shrieking. Holy Cow, her voice is awful; especially when she is upset and/or excited. Which seems to be always. Ow!
3. So, I couldn't figure out the correct spelling of "shrieking" (nothing looked right) so I tried to go to dictionary.com for help. How pathetic is it that I mispelled "dictionary" in my google attempt to find out how to spell something? Ironic, yes?
4. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue to watch FastForward. Can't quite put my finger on it, but I don't seem to be warming up to it. I like the premise of the show and I love a good mystery with sci fi thrown in, but I guess I'm just not really connecting to any of the characters. Maybe I'll wait until the whole thing comes out on DVD. I'll give it a few more weeks before I give up completely.
4a. On the opposite side, totally psyched about the newest Stargate series: Stargate Universe. The premiere was this past Friday and can't wait for the next episode.
4b. Thursday night: The Office: Pam and Jim get married! YA HOOOOOO!
4c. Not happy they moved The Big Bang Theory to 9:30. I cannot stay awake that late (waits for all the snickering to die down -- hey, I get up at 4:30am for work). DVD here we come.
5. Things that make me go "Really?":
-- Hollywood types defending Roman Polanski. I think they would have a different opinion of the matter if it was their 13 year old daughter he had plied with booze and drugs, and then raped (and apparently other vile things). He pleaded GUILTY, for GOD'S sake, then he FLED the country. Really, Debra Winger? You want to defend him? Really?
-- Jon Gosselin. He gets axed from the show, then immediatley demands they stop filming because it's "bad for the kids". I'm thinking his behavior this year (23 year old girlfriend, party hopping between Vegas, LA and NY, and current unemployed status) is a lot more damaging to his kids then a film crew following them around. Get a job and support your children, you jerk. What a douchebag.
-- Rubber testicles hanging from the back bumpers of vehicles (in my area it's mostly pickup trucks). I've seen about three vehicles with this in the last few months, the most recent during my drive home this afternoon. I'm hoping it doesn't catch on. Gross!
-- The three Kardashian sisters. Really? I seriously need to stay away from the E! channel.
6. I have to book my flight to Georgia for Christmas. Don't really want to go, but if I don't want to be alone on December 25th I have to. I hate traveling during the holidays. I did it every year I lived in Tampa...*sigh*
7. It's time to replace both my computer and my iPod. Yikes! Not sure which one is going to hold out longer. Any suggestions for the computer? I'm going laptop this time.
8. I am going to spend my holiday weekend (YAY for Columbus DAY!) painting. I hate painting. I got some special tools at Home Depot that are supposed to make it painless (yeah, right) so I'm hoping this time it is less painful. Stay tuned...
Rubber testicles *snarf*
I saw these things for the first time in Calgary, Alberta. Except they were made of steel.
They haven't really found their way out of Alberta. As our only "cowboy" province I'm hoping they never do.
Laptop - I have a Toshiba and I really like it. After 3 years it's not given me one lick of trouble.
I live in next to a huge Army installation, so we have folks here from all walks of life. Each week I see license plates from almost every state in the union, so if this is a "cowboy" fad I'm not surprised it's here. Lots of Texas boys around here. And those not from Texas but who fancy themselves cowboys.
I'll check out the Toshiba. Thanks!
I wish the older couple, Marcy and Ron had stayed on TAR longer.
I'd love Key Lime ice cream, becauase I love key lime yogurt.
"The Office" is a must see! "Pam" is engaged in real life, too.
I agree with all your "reallys."
1. Never had it.
2. I didn't like the opening twist at all. Elim at the start line but not at the end of the first leg in Japan? Lame.
3. Don't mess with dictionary.com for spelling. Just open up Word, type your best guess, then spellcheck. It's way faster.
4. You mean FlashForward? I still have high hopes for it.
4a. I'm in love with StarGate Universe! I sincerely sincerely hope it does not devolve into something unworthy of the name. But I still love T'ealc best, lol.
4b. I do not watch sitcoms. Thet are too much like my real life and disturb me.
4c. See 4b.
5. It's beyond lame. I thought it was funny when Whoopi mouthed off about how it wasn't really raperape. Maybe if was rapeity rape? Sheesh. Even if they don't pursue him on the actual rape charge - which I guess is the "girls's" (now the woman's) choice because she doesn't want all that mess back into her life - they can nail him for fleeing the jurisdiction & court. Justice is rightly fussy about that kind of thing.
No opinion on the Gosselins life or break-up. I don't care.
With a set of garden shears you could probably geld those trucks. Just sayin'.
The Kardashians? Weren't they the villians of Deepspace 9?
6. Driving is okay but any public transportation during the holidays is fraught with delays and frustrations and maddening stupidity by people in charge of making things work.
7. No opinion.
8. I like to watch other people paint.
1. I need some B&Js.
2. I agree about her voice. I think he's an idiot, though, so it's probably fitting.
3. Ironoik, indeed. :-)
4. Fastforward has my attention. I'm enjoying it, though parts have bothered me. Last night episode with letting the Nazi go was frustrating.
4b. We taped the wedding ep.
4c. Living in the Central time zone has perks.
5. Ditto on all of this. I think I've had all these conversations with people in the last week.
6. Sorry about having to travel over the holidays. Think of all the good reading you'll get done.
7. I just got a new laptop from work that I love, but it was $2K, so I don't suggest buying one for yourself. I tried the Dell Netbooks. Meh. I need to update my iPod with new tunes in a serious way.
8. I've realized I need to paint a few rooms, but I'm not motivated to move the furniture and such. Our master bedroom is the biggie and I'll probably cave in January when I have some time off.
Der, I meant Flashforward, too. Quit screwing me up. :-)
I just bought DD a Toshiba laptop, so far so good. DBF and I have HPs.
Get the iTouch!!! I love my iTouch.
I've had my Acer laptop for 3 years now, and it's still fine, though I would like to upgrade sometime soon.
There will be lots of Black Friday sales on laptops, and netbooks this year. I saw one already for a netbook at $149. It's only a 10" screen, though.
I mean Flashforward. I really did. *snort* I missed one episode, but have been watching since. I think I'll stick with it.
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