Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Team Kate, Cheesecake, Flip flops, and other stuff

1. After much deliberation, I have decided I am on Team Kate (as in Jon & Kate Plus 8). She was on the Today Show yesterday and I really felt sorry for her. Yes, as a viewer of the show I know she can be a shrew, a nag, a pill. But it was always directed at Jon, and who really knows what he is like to live with? I mean, he never seemed to hold a job and always had to be told what to do. That could really wear on a person, especially with 8 kids to raise. And this whole "I'm with Hailey, now I'm with Kate 2.0., nevermind -- I'm back with Hailey" is just plain junior high. So, I'm Team Kate. Who's with me?

2. There is a brand new beautiful cheesecake waiting for me in the fridge. I got it for my birthday -- actually, I bought it for myself as my birthday cake, I didn't receive it as a birthday present. I was going to have a piece yesterday (which was my birthday) but I was so stuffed from lunch I couldn't eat anything. And now I have stuffed my face again and I'm not sure I can eat anything more tonight. Is it still considered a birthday cake if you don't eat it until two days after? What are the rules/protocol for birthday cakes?

3. Did you know you can throw your LL Bean flip flops in the washing machine and they come out all shiney and sparkly and almost new looking? Well, you can, and they do, and it's awesome.

4. I'm still not on Facebook, I still don't have a tattoo, but I did finally get a cell phone. My brother badgered me enough about it that I finally gave in. The fact that BJ's had a special too good to turn down didn't hurt either. Free phone, no activation fee, and a sale on the car charger kit.

5. A brand spanking new Panera's is going up less than a mile from my house! *JOY* The closest one to me now is about 15 miles away and I really never make it to that area. When I lived in Tampa there were two in my area. One about a mile south, and one about a mile north of my apartment. Heaven! I get my Panera's back (I have to wait a few more weeks, but it will be worth it!).

6. The cheesecake in the fridge is calling my name. Perhaps I should go check on it to see if it's okay...


Blogger Zombs said...

Yay I just by chance clicked on your blog! Updated!

1. Yup. I think I may be with you on this one. Sure Kate needs to grow up too but I think Jon has far more issues.

2. Happy Birthday! Hey it's August!

3. Fancy flip flops. I wear $2 oned from Walmart

4. FAcebook is not that far away!

5. I have one also going up near me! I have never been to one so I am excited to try it!

6. The only area where we usually disagree. I cannot stand cheesecake. I'm kind of glad I don't like it. But I am very excited that you have a nice one for you!

7. I miss talking Lost with you.

8/12/2009 12:08 PM  
Blogger Glowie said...

Happy Birthday! ::smooch::

8/12/2009 3:12 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Meh, still not a fan of Kate's. I think she is a good actress though. *grin*
Happy Birthday Augie Doggie!!! Yay for Cheesecake.
It's about time you got a cell phone. We will work on the Facebook thing.
Hmmm, good to know about the LL Beans. I think mine might need a good washin. Maybe I will do so this weekend.
Now go and enjoy some cheesecake.

8/13/2009 8:52 AM  
Blogger Puffy said...

I hope you had a good birthday and finished every last crumb of that cheesecake.

I'm not likin' either Jon or Kate right now.

8/20/2009 1:27 AM  
Blogger Zombs said...

I thought of you yesterday...I bought new school supplies!

8/31/2009 11:27 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Oh my gosh, I totally missed this.

I hope you had a wonderful birthday and cheesecake!

I'm not sure if I can pick between John & Kate. John is acting like a playboy and I think it's a bit immature. However, he seems to be the more reasonable person in this. But Kate has a lot on her shoulders and she must be tremendously overwhelmed. She must feel so wronged. They both need to stop the publicity machine and focus on their family.

8/31/2009 1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dammit. I knew you had an August birthday, and I forgot all at the same time. I blame Carey. Happy Birthday!

I am not completely taking Kate's side on everything, but I am not taking Jon's side on anything. Kate is an organizational goddess, of course I'm with her. Sometimes I feel like she could really use a friend like me.

I am going to DC on December 15. I think we should have lunch on the 16th.


8/31/2009 3:12 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

don't worry Boo -- everyone forgot my birthday this year. It seemed to be the norm. I don't let that kind of stuff bother me...I'm old enough to spend plenty of money on myself to make the day fun. And I did.


DEC 16th! YAY!

9/08/2009 8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you did get a "your kind of day" card from me, yes?

9/10/2009 1:00 PM  

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