"I didn't know what I was doing was illegal."
You stormed into someone else's hotel room with a bunch of goons, pulled a gun on them, threatened them, and said they couldn't leave -- and you didn't know it was illegal? I guess someone who got away scot free with a double murder 13 years ago does have a skewed view of legal vs illegal.
The judge who sentenced you said you were arrogant and ignorant. I think ignorant only applies to the fact you continue to think the law does not apply to you. The term I have heard in reference to you (and I think fits to a tee) is sociopath.
15 years in prison. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.
I do feel bad for your children, who once again have to face the public humiliation of having OJ Simpson for a father.
We were in the car, listening on the radio, adding up the number of years on our fingers. We thought the judge sounded like radio psychologist Laura Schellsinger. Frisky has a funny OJ East Coast Update Thread.
Sing it, sistah.
Your ticker over there is starting to get very exciting! 42 days!
So glad he's finally going to jail. Now if he can just become someone's beyotch in there.
I had a good laugh when he said he was "just confronting some friends." I know I always confront my friends at gunpoint if I want something from them. What a moron!
Puffy - I was watching live and it gave me great joy to watch that man grovel and beg.
Glow Pop - The ticker is getting me tickled! I CAN.NOT wait for Jan 20th! I took the day off to celebrate. *glee*
Breezy - I'm sure he'll be a celeb in jail. *rolls eyes* However, I do hope he has several large and burly boyfriends.
Swami - I know! My friends and I have a great time calling each other Mother-fvkers and holding each other hostage and pointing guns at each other. *slaps knee* Such a hoot! :-)
LOL at Swami. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode with Jean-Paul, Jean-Paul - where he called Elaine's neighbor's son a bastag.
I will confess, only here, especially since Augie loves me in spite of all of my faults, that back in '94, I didn't believe right away that he did it. Initially. I just didn't think someone could be that cruel and stupid and arrogant.
*hugs Boo* We appreciate your honesty, sweetie. Doesn't it feel good to get that off your chest? :-)
I agree, I cannot comprehend the mind of a murdering, evil sociopath.
I wasn't even an OJ fan. It was just hard for me to grasp. Thanks Augie. I do feel better.
Augie! Your countdown! That week is going to be great! Do you know what else in addition to getting Bush out and Obama in that week is?
Hmmm? Lost is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can never smile enough over this dickhead being in prison for the rest of his life. *smile*
*sips coffee made with holiday creamer*
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