The personalized license plate of the woman who--while driving the same route to work that I do--speeds, tailgates, cuts people off, and is generally a hazard, not to mention a royal pain?
The fact her license plate is telling the world to chill out and calm down, all the while driving like a lunatic, hyper Tasmanian devil is more infuriating than her reckless ways.
*checks plate*
Nope, mine still shows my love for Chris Cooley.
This woman really is a menace. My fondest wish is to one day watch as she gets pulled over by the MPs (that's "military police" for all you civilian types).
Boo? Does Chris Cooley know of your license plate lurve?
Less than a month left for Bush.
Merry Christmas, Augie!
*steps on the pedal and speeds through blog*
Merry Christmas, Augie!
No Augie. I really don't exist in his world. Although I could still decide to enter his Babe of the Week contest.
Merry Christmas, Augie!
*drives sloooowwwwlly through the blog, like an old person* Is that better?
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