At last an update:
But first, a big thank you to everyone who posted notes of support and concern. You people rock. *smooch*
Dad is doing much better. He still gets tired very easily, but according to the literature they gave me this is common for stroke victims. He is definitely not back to normal and I'm not really sure he will ever be the dad he was before the stroke, but as long as he feels better that is all I care about.
We had a follow-up appointment with the neurologist May 9th and he told us if the stroke had moved 1 millimeter further his entire left side would have been affected. If that had happened Dad would probably be in a nursing home (or at least a rehab center). Very lucky man, my dad.
My life has been a series of doctor's appointments, work, chauferring Dad all over the place, chores around the house, chores outside the house (meaning mowing, weed whacking, garbage toting, recycling, etc). I did manage to plant some flowers this weekend (YAY!) but yard work for me this spring has been strickly the not fun icky stuff - the aforementioned mowing, weed whacking, etc.). To prove my point, it's not even June and I have already gotten poison ivy on both arms. Stupid poison ivy!
Other stuff:
LOST has been so awesome this year. Kristen at E!Online states the finale will be a huge shocker, even better than last year's fast forward jaw dropper. On one hand I can't wait, and on the other hand I don't want it to be over because we have to wait until next year. Stupid writers' strike! Such a weird television season this year.
Anyone else watch Ghosthunters on SCIFI? I don't know why, but I love that show. I prefer the shows that do not feature Brian Harnois (he's a total dillweed), but I watch even when he is on (only because I know Jason will yell at him, which is a good thing).
Well, I thought I had other things to comment on, but I'm drawing a blank. This usually happens when I sit down to make a blog post. When I'm not at my computer I think of a zillion things I want to say in my blog, but when I'm actually doing a post I can't think of squat. Does this happen to you? *looks over at you* Or you? *points over there* No. Not you. * points to Bravie*
*points at me* I feel the same way about blog posting.
I understand your feeling of being overwhelmed, too. *hugs* Hopefully, you and your dad are into a routine that you're both gettintg used to. Are there any community resources that you can use?
*rubs your arms with calming lotion*
I don't watch Lost, but I did watch a show on PBS called Carrier, about the USS Nimitz. I thought of you, with your nephew who was in Iraq. It was a great true life look at life on an aircraft carrier. I think it showed what servicemen in any branch of the miliatry might be feeling while away from home.
*thinking of you even when you don't post*
Thanks for the update. I am happy that things are going better. And I'm happy your father has you. You are a wonderful daughter, Augie.
I have never had poison ivy. Michael has a tough time with it, but I've never been affected. It doesn't look like it's something I *want* to experience either.
I get your drift with the TV season. I am not a Lost watcher yet. At some point I will be since it's in the Netflix Queue.
*smooch* I am glad to see you around.
I was going to comment here but I forgot what I was going to say. *grin*
Yay an update! I am so glad your dad is doing better. It is so tough and both physically and emotionally draining.
I am loving the Lost. I am so into it I have dreams about it. That's sad right? I am so scared of running into spoilers about the finale. I just don't get that about shows like this. It has to diminish the enjoyment of it right? Why bother watching if you know everything is gonna happen?
I miss you in the Lost forum. *sniff* Breezy, Tummy and I really do!
Augie! So glad you're Dad is doing good. I know it's exhausting work! Hope he gets better every week.
I've never had poison ivy but Rob gets it if the wind blows wrong. So the house we moved into in November...it has poison ivy going up 4 trees! So I spent the weekend spraying and cutting. I thought the dang spray would work overnight but that ivy is tough!
I'm staying away from spoiler too! And zombs is right, We Miss You in the Lost forum!
*hugs* Glad Dad is doing better. He is a very lucky man to have you as his daughter.
I refuse to look at Lost spoilers too. Thank goodness Bawdy finally started putting hers in hidden font, I was getting ready to go postal on her. We miss your voice there Augie. *smooch*
I'm glad your dad is doing better, Augie.
I gave up on LOST after season2 which was totally whack. Then AI could never start watching it again because I was too far behind. Oh well. I have never watched Ghostbusters.
I HATE poison ivy because I am very susceptable to it. Every spring I make several circuits of our property and blast any little sprouting pi nasties I can find. It takes forever to fade away! Stupid poison ivy!
Yay! An Augie update! And then to read that your Dad is doing well? Even better! You're a great daughter.
One of the guys I work with gave me a bunch of plants for my garden on the 16th. It rained all last weekend and now the blackflies are out. I hope the plants will survive until the blackflies ease up.
OMG! So good to hear something from you!
I am *HUGGING* you and your Daddy, such a hard road, and a big adjustment for sure.
I sympathize with all the Doc appts, so exhausting.
Making sick people go to the Doctor is just WRONG! Laugh!
The personality changes can be really hard.
I'm thinking about you AugieGal!
You will get through this, your Dad will too, but I know it's hard, and am sending you good thoughts, and prayers for strength.
Thanks for the update about your dad. Glad he's getting better.
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