Friday, February 09, 2007

Why part 2

Why is it some people can never answer a simple question with a simple answer? They have to elaborate endlessly about who-what-when-where or why when the question was simply "do you do/like/have/prefer/say "this" OR "that". NO ONE CARES about the history of why you do something! Really! Truly! Or at least I don't.

Why do I continue to read posts by the people who routinely annoy me, especially when I know ahead of time they will annoy me? What is wrong with me? :-)

Why do light bulbs come in flimsy cardboard packaging and batteries come in those hard plastic "impossible to open" containers?

Why was January so freaky warm and February is so freaky FRIGID? I'm dying here. "8" is not a temperature. "8" is an age, "8" is the number of Hersey Kisses you should eat in one sitting. "8" should NEVER EVER be a temperature that I have to wander in and out of to get to work/home/shopping. GEEZ!

Why am I more interested in watching My Name is Earl and the Office than I am in Survivor? I taped Survivor last night and watched Earl and the Office in real time. Never have I done that before. I've always been a huge Survivor fan. This year I'm not excited.

Why am I not surprised Anna Nicole Smith is dead? The real surprise to me is she lasted this long. Poor Anna. RIP girl.


Blogger Bravie said...

I am with you on the reading of things that I know will piss me off. I've done it a couple of times this week and had to ask myself why, too. *shakes head*

2/09/2007 1:42 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

LOL at the lightbulbs vs battery packaging.

2/09/2007 3:45 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I just noticed that you switched over. Thank you. smooch*

2/09/2007 7:06 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

...trying to go with short, simple answers here.

1. I dunno
2. I dunno
3. I dunno
4. I dunno
5. I dunno but I wish her blood & soul-sucking so-called bf Howard Stern would go belly-up somewhere. Oops! I elaborated. Sorry.

2/09/2007 10:57 PM  
Blogger mm said...

LOL @ Swami!

1. I have little patience with that, too.

2. Because it re-enforces our feelings of annoyance, proving us to be right about said poster?

3. idea. Great question!

4. I live in California. Could not live somewhere where "8" was a temperature.

5. Because Jim and Pam are way more exciting.

6. *sigh* It did surprise me, though it shouldn't have, I suppose. Now that I think about it though, I cannot imagine her aging at all. She'll always be remembered as young now, and I bet she'd like that.

2/10/2007 12:39 AM  
Blogger yvonne said...

*waves to everyone*

Swami, I feel the same way about Anna Nicole's creepy "partner". Something is wrong with him.

NOOKIE! Where have you been?

*smooch* to Bravie. It was super simple and took about 2 minutes. I guess waiting until most everyone else had done it was the thing to do, at least for me.

MM! I LOVE Pam and Jim. I want them to get together. I like Karen but not with Jim. And in case anyone is interested, I still haven't watched Survivior yet, and it's Saturday morning.

2/10/2007 8:05 AM  
Blogger arkie said...

1)Because they like to hear themselves talk.
2)I'm so not touching this question.
4)*nods head in agreement*
5)I'm wondering why I missed Ugly Betty to watch Survivor.
6)Because you are psychic?

2/10/2007 1:46 PM  
Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

I can't remember the questions.

But now I'm wondering about the lightbulbs myself.

2/10/2007 2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost did post since there were already 8 posts here.

Perhaps I need to teach Bob about that little link at the top of the page.

2/10/2007 7:16 PM  
Blogger momma said...

Augie! Did you see your boyfriend on Saturday Night Live last night?!?!

2/11/2007 12:23 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Did I see my boyfriend on SNL last night???


*big grin*

2/11/2007 6:41 PM  
Blogger momma said...

LOL! I thought of you the whole time.

2/11/2007 7:27 PM  
Blogger Lasann said...

Why is it that when one of you post these mysterious posts about OT I run over there to see if my posts resemble what you say!

Paranoid much?

You raise a good point about the lightbulbs.

The snow is coming tonight. February has proved to be an interesting month. I'm actually insane enough to be happy about the snow tomorrow. That's how bored I am.

All this stupid coverage of Anna is on my last nerve. I think, I'm guessing, I wonder. Poor girl!

2/12/2007 8:35 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...

oooh. I haven't watched SNL yet. Was the goofy couple on? where the chick is all "he looks like a rabbit". That's my favorite sketch. hee. I'm going to watch when I get home.

I don't watch anything in real time. not ever.

2/12/2007 9:41 AM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

OMG! I know exactly who's (or is that whose?) posts you are referring. *rolls eyes*

*snort* at the packaging!

2/12/2007 6:41 PM  
Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Hmmm, I haven't even lurked over there for the last two weeks, so I don't know which posts you mean --- but I have a very good guess about who the author is.

2/14/2007 10:31 AM  

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