YAY! It's my day off. What should I do?
Stay in my jammies all day and be a slug?
Go to the mall?
Favorite restaurant for lunch?
Be responsible and clean the house?
What do to?
Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. ~ Henry James
Stay in your jammies and be a slug. *lazy grin*
Take me to a movie!
Ooooh, pick me up and take me to the movies with you, too.
Ooooo! Great idea. I'll pick up Bravie and Breezy and we'll go to the movies.
Anyone else want to go?
*orders large popcorn, extra buttery stuff, box of junior mints, a wiener and a large coke*
We aren't going to see some silly sci-fi thing are we?
I hate sci-fi.
Majority rules. We'll vote on what movie to see.
Heck! I say we do back to back movies.
Can we go to the movies in our jammies?
Of course we can.
Somebody (I forget who and I'm lazy) said we should see "The Illusionist". So I vote that. I have to go home and put on my jammies first!
Tummy did.
*does eggbeater*
*does the hustle* Badly because I haven't watched the tape yet.
*jumps in jammies and tags along*
Wah! I don't have any jammies! All I have is a one-size-fits-all leopard print muumuu thing that I put on to walk to the bathroom when I'm a guest in someone's house. Can I wear that? Do we have to see girlie movies?
I love movie popcorn! And I like those Bites things - any flavor will do.
Hold up. Can't we see a different movie? I'm betting the fact that it's named The Illusionist says whatever happens is an illusion. And The Black Dahlia looks too confusing. What else is on?
I'm still in my jammies.
Jammies, muumuus, ratty old sweats and t-shirts! Wear what you want.
We don't need no stinkin' fancy clothes to have a day off.
Little Miss Sunshine is supposed to be an excellent movie. But who cares which movie we see? We'll sit in the top row in our jammies and throw popcorn and junior mints on everyone else.
Can I wear my onesie with the opening in the rear?
LOL@ Puffy.
I think ya'll forgot to pick me up. I'm still waiting in my jammies.
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