Thursday, June 15, 2006

I got dumped!

My hairdresser broke up with me! She only cuts hair 3 days a week and is the assistant salon manager the other days. Well, the manager (daughter of the owner) went and got married, got herself knocked up, and has decided to only work part time when the baby comes. The owner's daughter wants to stay home with the baby so she decided to make herself the assistant salon manager and is going to work from home. The owner asked Nunzio *waves to Monsty and Carey* if she would like to become the full time manager.

(prepare yourselves is where the story gets very sad)

She said yes. *sob* She stops taking clients on August 1st. Wah!

*pauses to dab tears from eyes*

I've been going to her since 1987 and except for the 7 years I lived in Tampa no one else has touched my hair--and trust me, the trauma I experienced in Tampa regarding my hair would fill a book. Fill.A.Book.People. I was so happy to move back home so I could be with my Nunzio again.

I am very, very upset about this. I still have one scheduled appointment with her at the end of June and then it will be over. Done. Finito. I don't want to break in a new hairdresser. I don't want new people touching my hair. I don't want to try to explain how I like things done. Nunzio already knows. Nuzio and I have a bond. Nunzio and I are like this *crosses third finger over index finger*

I would take a bullet for Nunzio if ever I was in the salon and a crazed gunman came in and started firing willy nilly and Nunzio got in the way of an errant bullet. I would have. Seriously.

I'm in a serious funk over this. *throws self on ground and has a fit*


Blogger ~Nutz said...

Oh no! This is tragic news. I'm so sorry. I know what you mean about knowing your hair. It's quite a gift they possess. {{{hugs}}}

6/15/2006 9:30 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Thanks Nutzy. I don't know if I should stay at the same salon or go elsewhere. Right now I'm so upset that I can't think straight.

*puts head on desk and sobs*

6/16/2006 7:23 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Oh NO!!!! this is terrible news. I would stay with the same salon. See how they do. If they do well, stick with them. *big hugs*

On a related note. I had a hair appointment yesterday and forgot about it. Diane called me asking where the hell I was. Ooops.

6/16/2006 8:31 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

I'm so sorry, Nutz. Be sure to take front, back and side photos of your hair right after your last appointment--maybe right inside the salon. You will have a lasting memory of Nunzio's talent and a nice tool to show your next hairdresser!

I myself am totally promiscuous with hairdressers--I'll sit in just about any chair at the salon.

Tom would understand too. I still remember how broken up he was when Janice (or Janet, whatever) moved from Minneapolis to LA. I was secretly glad--he talked about her way too much!

6/16/2006 8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I shouldn't insert the obvious "nonezio" joke here.

*waits for whack*

This is tragic. I honestly don't know what I would do if I lost Renee. And I do agree with Carey. At least if she's in the salon, she can be a coach to the new stylist.

This is what I did with Renee. She is the owner. I tried to get in with one of her girls, but that girl wasn't taking new clients because she wasn't returning after having her baby. So I ended up with Joy. She too got pregnant and left. Then I moved to Lisa. She got married, pregnant and left. So then I went straight to the owner, and I've been happy ever since.

6/16/2006 9:20 AM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

*puts arms around Augie to console her*

This is indeed tragic *moment of silence*

Good idea Swami had about taking a pic of your hair after your last appt.

I do indeed know the horror of having a good hairstylist leave you. Now, I'm stuck with "Comb-over Al". *sigh*

6/16/2006 9:57 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

Maybe Nunzio could suggest another stylist from her salon. Ask her who you think could do the best with your hair.

I'm sorry for your loss. *hugs*

6/16/2006 10:57 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

*pets Augie's hair* There there. There there.

In every tragedy comes opportunity. You will find a young, awesome NEW hairdresser that will put curlers in your gray hair when you are 80.

6/16/2006 10:59 AM  
Blogger yvonne said...

I have decided to let Nunzio suggest someone from the salon. They are a "high end" salon and they send their stylists out for training all the time, so I'm thinking whoever takes over will be competent (at least I hope so).


Thanks for all the sympathy, but I have to laugh at Swami for her "sit in any chair in the salon" remark. You are a chair ho, Swami! *grin*

6/16/2006 12:28 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

Awwww, there, there... *pats Augie's shoulder*

6/16/2006 12:36 PM  
Blogger Glowie said...

third finger over index finger? *tries to do it again* It's very awkward.

I'm sorry, honey bunch. That sounds awful.

6/16/2006 3:17 PM  
Blogger Surveysez said...

Poor baby. Just the thought of having to change hairdressers sends shivvers up my spine.

6/18/2006 11:37 AM  
Blogger Puffy said...

To add insult to injury, her last day is in AUGUST, Augie! Swami had a good suggestion to take pictures of your hair. If you stay at the salon, perhaps Nunzio can show your new stylist how to do your hair.

6/18/2006 9:54 PM  
Blogger Silvergirl said...

Sorry for your loss, Augie. If you lived in Fredneck, I know someone who works out of her house.

6/19/2006 5:39 PM  
Blogger HistoryDetective said...

I am so sorry, Augie. I don't know what I will ever do if Yumina moves away before I leave Baltimore --- or how I will find another Yumina when I do leave the area.

6/24/2006 5:57 PM  

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