Sunday, March 26, 2006

Tid Bits

--Kimmie Meissner, Maryland's own 16 year old ice skating sensation won the World Championships last night in Calgary! As I posted here right before the Olympics, Kimmie lives about 15 miles from me. Way to go, Kimmie!

--I resisted the urge to spend. *pats self on back* I'm on a budget and have tried to be good, but I saw something on eBay yesterday that I have been coveting for months. As much as I was tempted to, I did not bid. The auction ended last night and I am happy to report I saved myself at least $150 (because I bid to win and refuse to lose--not a good trait for someone on a budget). Yay!

--Monsty will be happy to know I have returned to my original beach siggie on OT. I will continue to pull out the Mrs. Keith Urban siggie *waves to Arkie* but I felt it was time to get back into the beach mode, complete with bouncing drink.

--According to the Weather Channel next weekend should be perfect weather to start my spring gardening. Hallejuah! This year I have decided to dedicate myself to the yard and produce the best flower beds and planters we have ever had. Prepare for lots of pictures.

--Opening day is one week away! The sweetest thing about opening day is everyone starts equally and no matter what happened last year the dream of making it to post season play is alive and well. Sometimes (sadly for me, most times) we can't say the same thing come the All Star break in July, but come April the dream is alive.


Blogger ~Nutz said...

LOL! I think I commented about Kimmie in your previous post while you were typing this. Way to go Kimmie!

Yay! for not spending! Gardening will help occupy your time so you don't spend. Remember that new car anytime you need to.

3/26/2006 9:34 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Yay for Kimmie.
Yay for Augie.
Yay for Monsty.
Yay for TWC.
Yay for opening day.

The news was just showing pictures of the cherry blossoms in DC. For some reason, I thought of you.

3/26/2006 9:59 AM  
Blogger Swami said...

Kimmie certainly has the right stuff. I hope she can stay healthy until the next Olympics!

Save your money to spend on your gardens, Augie. Each year I am afraid Mr. Swami will figure out how much money I really specd at nurseries and such each spring. I try to hide it by spending half on credit cards and half cash. Some years are worse than others--last year Barely spent $100.00. Some years I have spent 3x that much!

3/26/2006 12:01 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

*pats Augie on back* Good for you, resisting whatever that Ebay item was.

RE: sig pic - I, for one, will miss the snowflake.

3/26/2006 4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for Kimmie!

I will be super jealous of your beautiful flower beds. I have absolutely no yard skills. Our yard has suffered so much this year. Michael just had no time because of having to drive down to the Bay house. I will be so glad when it is sold because I'm going to just make him invest in hiring a landscaper to come in and completely redo our yard. Hopefull I can take it from there.

3/27/2006 8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot about the beach. It really is time to get back into that mode. Yay for you.

3/27/2006 8:47 AM  
Blogger Glowie said...

Yay for Kimmie!

Good for you, Augie. *pats Augie on back*

ugh. Gardening. I don't think I'll be doing any this year.

Opening day of what?

3/27/2006 8:55 AM  
Blogger momma said...

Yay for Kimmie! And Yay! for you sticking to your budget. And YAY! for spring weather!


3/27/2006 9:19 AM  
Blogger Breezy said...

Budgets suck.

I sure hope spring comes soon, tired of the cold.

3/27/2006 9:22 AM  
Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

I like the cheerful bouncing drink.

3/27/2006 11:01 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I will look forward to your summer outdoors pictures! I'm also anxious to start gardening outside.

I'm very proud of you for not spending. Budgets are good. I think we need to revisit ours soon and continually reassess. We left too little in the budget this month for groceries, gas & entertainment & overspent in every category. Do you have this problem? It's so hard.

3/27/2006 11:31 AM  
Blogger Lasann said...

Good for you Augie for resisting the urge to spend. I am not good in the budgeting department. I went to the evil "WallMart" Sunday for another gallon of paint and when I left it had cost me $180. Hey, everything was either on sale or I needed it - right.

I'm so excited to garden also.

3/28/2006 8:00 AM  
Blogger Monstah said...

I'm sick. :(

3/28/2006 10:54 AM  
Blogger Monstah said...

I'm sick. :(

3/28/2006 10:54 AM  
Blogger Zombs said...

*waits for pictures*

Augie! It is spring out today! yay! I feel like your bouncy drink. I just need a tiny umbrella!

3/29/2006 11:46 AM  
Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Kimmie is cool, but the Subway advertisements have to go! (And I am quite certain that she does not really eat there *every* day after practice.)

Can you send a bouncy drink my way? Or just a drink? I'll take care of the bounce on my own!

3/30/2006 11:05 AM  

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