Bestest Video (for now)
My boyfriend has a new video. It's for his song "Tonight I Wanna Cry" and it's beautiful. Just him sitting at his piano, playing and singing. I love those kind of videos. His best video is "Making Memories of Us", but this one is a close second. In MMoU it's just him and his guitar and a bed. A bed! *swoon*
I much prefer the videos where it's just him, or maybe him and his band playing and singing. Those videos where he is slobbering and smooching and hanging all over some bimbo are TERRIBLE! No one, especially me, wants to see him slobbering and smooching and hanging all over some bimbo. No.One.
Speaking of bimbos, that skinny skank Nicole better keep her hands offa him. *grin*
Speaking of, INXS's Afterglow premiers on tv Monday. It's a hottt video, so I'm quite excited to try & catch it. Oh wait, they only play videos for like 2 hours/day. I won't catch it on tv.
I haven't seen the new video. Is it in the top 20 on CMT? Because I had that on yesterday and I don't remember it.
I don't watch videos. I keep saying I will but I keep not.
It was just released so it's not on the top 20 yet, but I'm sure it will be soon. I think you can see it if you go to Keith's page on the CMT website.
Does any "video" channel actually play videos anymore? Does anyone remember when MTV and VH-1 only played videos? *sigh*
CMT still plays videos. MTV2 still plays videos but it's mostly hip hop crap.
VH1 has it's countdown videos on the weekends. I do watch that.
I love the new Train video and song. It's a very sad song but I absolutely love it.
"The days are better, the nights are still so long. Sometimes I think I'm the only cab on the road"
Just love this song and video.
Carey, I know CMT still plays videos...where do you think I spend most of my viewing time? *grin*
What I should have said is "does anyone remember when the MAJORITY of programming on video channels was indeed videos and not sitcoms/reality shows/or crap".
Yeah, that's what I should have said.
and *poke* to Carey
*poke* Augie, be nice. *evil eye*
What kind of music, Kim?
I have to respect CMT for that. Heck, Friday Night Videos on my local NBC station in the 80s used to have more videos than MTV & VH1. I like the FUSE channel. They play lots of videos, and although it's mostly my musical preference, it doesn't offer much variety like VH1 did/should.
Now Augie's time stamp is all kadiwhompus.
I remember when MTV was almost all videos! We didn't have cable then (too expensive and trendy, lol) so every once in a while we would go check into a hotel and watch MTV.
Sure. You checked into a hotel to "watch MTV". Uh huh.
Yeah, that is most definitely code.
On behalf of all multi-taskers, I am insulted. MTV was more precious than porn for a few years. Motels put big "Free MTV!" signs on their buildings and in their ads. Better than porn.
More precious than porn? LOL! Swami, you crack me up.
And Carey? I'll have you know my computer's time stamp is set to the Atomic Clock everytime I log in. So I am atomically on time. Or something like that.
Don't worry, Augie. Once Keith marries me, Nicole won't be touching him. *grin*
Arkie? You are skating on thin ice, girl.
I meant more precious to the motel trade, Augie. Not to me personally! Most porn does not appeal to me at all.
I'm with you, Swami. Porn is not my cup of tea. Always made me feel self conscious and in-adequate. I think I've seen porn twice?
Well, I guess that secures my title as the Prude. *grin*
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