Tell me something ....
Anything. Tell me something about yourself that you haven't shared before.
I'll go first.
I have a two inch scar on the right side of my neck from a biopsy I had in 2003. My doctor thought I had lymphoma so I had a lymph node taken out. Thankfully I didn't have cancer and it was just some infection.
Confession: I like the scar. I see it everytime I look in the mirror and it reminds me that life is short and "there but for the grace of God go I". I try not to take things for granted and my scar reminds that nothing is guaranteed. I could have easily come out surgery that day with the diagnosis of cancer. I'm glad I didn't, but I remind myself that people get that news everyday and I am lucky to be healthy and cancer free.
Now you...
Morning, Augie!
I am actually very grateful for my failed marriage, even though it was a terrible experience. Like you, it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been, and I learned a lot from it. I would never have been able to appreciate Eric if I hadn't had that awful relationship first.
That, and my stitches still itch. :D
Per some comments on a below topic, I am really a 98 year old man who wishes I had big obbies!
Hi Augie!
I have a 1/2" long scar next to my left eye from a dunking booth 2 weeks before my Senior Year in high school. That was extremely painful and my first real experience with stitches and Vicodin.
I'm not good at stuff like this. I just came to say that I am happy you are healthy and cancer-free too. And scars are sexy.
I'm almost positive that I've shared everything worth sharing about myself already.
I'm really glad you got that news too Augie. If I think of something I'll be back.
*HUGS* I too am so thankful that the results were good.
I cannot think of anything that you don't already know. If I do come up with something, I'll share it.
Ok, Ok, Ok - I'll be serious. I used to work for Hustler Magazine when it was located in Columbus, Ohio.
I'm glad you are healthy too!
I think I shared my breast biopsy story in Arkie's blog, but you may not know.
I have a scar around my ariola, but you can't tell because my surgeon was awesome. I was 25 and had a lump. It was nothing.
I have another scar on my belly where I had to had a cyst removed twice. Again the surgeon was awesome, and when I have a jelly belly as I do now, you don't notice it as much. Perhaps I should skip the crunches.
Scars? I have one that starts in the middle of my chest goes under my right boobie and then fades in the middle of my back. I also have one on my groin area, a 2 inch line with two dots on each side.
I knew that about you, Augie.
Are we suppose to share about scars? If yes, then (obviously) I have one from c-section. It is only about 6 inches long which is amazing when you stop to think they pulled a baby out of there.
Hmmm...something you don't know about know a whole bunch, so this is hard...
Did you know I have played the violin for 20 years?
Monsty!!! Are you serious about playing the violin??
You can share your scar stories if you want Monsty, but I was really looking for just an interesting tid bit that will be news to us.
In fact, I did not know you played the violin. Very interesting.
Here's another one:
I played the flute in grade school, and was in the school orchestra.
And NO, that is not code for anything (in case Carey is reading this).
I still watch the Real World. It's my shameful secret. I catch up on weekends when they always have marathons.
Oh, and your post was beautiful & heartwarming. Seriously. Thank you for reminding us all how lucky we are.
*sigh* I have no interesting tidbits *pout*
I do have a big scar on my upper right leg. Wanna know how I got it? Sure ya do LOL.
When I was young, probably about 10, I was trying to make a house for my barbie doll. We couldn't afford the fancy doll houses, so mine had to be home made. So, I got out a huge carving knife and proceeded to cut a cardboard box and ... whoopsie ... sliced my leg.
Now, wasn't THAT an interesting tidbit? :-)
No. I don't play the violin. I made that up because I have a low self esteem and could think of nothing else interesting.
Did you know Gus is really a chinese midget in a monkey suit?
Well darn. Because I was going to say that I play(ed) viola and if we could find someone to play cello and bass, we could be a quartet.
I actually own a viola, but the bow has no hair and it's in desparate need of tuning. And I've lost my rosin. I swear I had some. Not that it matters, since the bow is hair-free.
Thank-you for sharing about your scar, augie. It is good to have these reminders.
I had too much caffeine today.
*waits for violin players*
Awwww, that would have been cool Monsty.
I have always wanted to play the violin. It's something that's on my list of things to do before I die.
Seana, if I bring my accordian
along, can I be in the quartet?
Sorry you lost your rosin. WTH is a rosin? And, I had no idea that musical instruments were hairy. I wonder if Augie's flute was hairy? <----- could be code *grin*
Hi Augie. I have a variety of regular, boring scars - but one kind of interesting one. I was bitten by a big ass snake while catching garter snakes as a child in southern Ontario. I grabbed what I thought was the tail of a little garter snake that had jumped into a pond, and this giant 8 ft mondo-monster black snake with a big head and teeth reared out of the water, chomped my hand and scared the piss out of me. Literally.
I went through a bunch of snake books and identified it as a giant Cottonmouth but nobody would believe me. There are no Cottonmouths in Canada. Except for that one pond near Welland.
Damn bite took forever to heal.
I'll tell you a dirty little secret. Today (Jan 20) is Lorenzo Lamas' birthday. I think he is hot.
Swami! I would have died of a heart attack if I had gotten bitten by a snake, even a little bitty ole garter snake. *shudders*
*whispers* I think Lorenzo Lamas is sexy too.
And a big *whack* to Nookie for her hairy flute comment. :-)
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew..Lorenzo Lameass. *gags*
Aha! So this is where Lorenzo is first mentioned!
Schnookie: ack, I can't describe on my blog soon.
Nice to see I'm not the only one late to the Lorenzo debate Seana.
Okay, I've been thinking about this for a day or two and I finally came up with something that I don't think I've mentioned before.
I'm a pen freak. I have to have Pilot VBall Grip pens. I can't stand writing with anything else. I even buy my own pens for work and will severely punish anyone who dares touch my pens.
When I cook I clean as I go. By the time I'm done preparing the meal, the dishes and kitchen are almost entirely clean. Dave? Not so much, but if he's cooking I will keep my mouth shut about the mess.
I'm a pretty open book about most things. The things that I am not open about, will never be revealed in a blog on the internet.
So, Hmmm, what does that leave me?
Hmmm, well, in high school I was given the nickname "hollow legs" because I showed up to band class drunk and kept telling the girl next to me that my legs felt hollow. As a matter of fact under my picture in the yearbook it shows my nickname as "hollow legs"
Lights! OMH! I am a total pen freak too. *grin* I also buy my own pens for work, and lord help those who *try* take them. My absolute favorite is the Pilot P-500 extra fine, 0.5. I buy them at Staples so I can get 8 at a time.
Carey? Band class?
Your printing is much better than your cursive.
For pens, size is everything. I like them big and fat. My current favorites are the Bic XXL and Inc. The Exec, both in black.
No one handles my pens but me.
I am willing to bet money that Lorenzo Lamas has large pens too.
My head is ready to explode.
I'm playng correctly, right?
I am a Pilot V-Ball fan as well. I don't write with anything else if I can help it, and haven't since the department head started stocking them in the supply cabinet.
My dept. head is an office supply nerd, too. I love her.
I play the cello. Does that count? Can I be in the string quartet?
Bob <---cannot play the piano
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