The mean nasty cold front blew in yesterday afternoon, complete with driving rain and blustery, brutal winds. The rain stopped by early evening, but the winds continued and around 11pm last night we lost electricity. It did not come back on until about 4pm this afternoon (I think I had a typo in Monsty's blog and said "7pm", but it was 4pm). That is 18 hours without heat in January in the mid-Atlantic. The low last night was 25 degrees (that's Farenheit for all you Celsius people). I have no idea what the wind chill was, but from the sound of the wind it was probably -500 degrees. The high today was 38, but that is without the freakin' wind chill (which was probably -450 degrees -- the sun *was* out afterall).
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I think I have finally thawed out.
Yes, I'm a cold weather wimp. I hate being cold. The only time I don't mind winter is when it has snowed and it's pretty and everything looks like a winter wonderland. But I'm over that after about 3 hours, even less if I have to clear my car and scrape the windshield.
I'll take 95 degrees in July over this any day.
I hear ya. It was 58 degrees here today and I thought all of my fingers and toes were going to fall off. Michelle didn't let me turn on the heater until about an hour ago when it finally dipped to 64 inside the house.
Give me July anytime. *grin*
I had a Mid-Atlantic resident visiting me this weekend. My guest wore a windbreaker while I wore my heaviest long hooded coat.
95 is way too hot.
It's not quite what I like for winter here yet. We, in Michigan, have had RAIN instead of snow for the past month.
Jeez, I just want to take the kiddos sledding forcryinoutloud!
Let me translate for everyone what Carey said because at first glance all I saw was "blah blah blah yada yada yads whine whine whine" ....
I hear ya. I understand completely because I am a wimpy California wussy little girl. Give me July anytime. But not really, because I can't take the humidity either. In fact, if I lived in the Mid-Atlantic I would probably die of either cold or heat during almost any month of the year because I am a wimpy California wussy little girl. Pity me people
That is what Carey said up there. *points up*
I HATE THE WINTER. There is notihng fun or amusing or refreshing about it. Anything below 35 degrees is just intolerable.
And this is why I cannot see myself staying in my beloved New England. My circulation cannot handle it.
(How did your Dad do yesterday? He must have been miserable. *smooch*)
*grabs fleece blankets and wraps them around Augie*
We got about 3 inches of snow yesterday. The temps dropped from about 60 degrees the day before to 26 when I woke up! Crazy!
*snort* @ your translation of what Carey said! That? is exactly what I read too!
*hands Augie a cup of hot chocolate*
I hear ya. I don't know how I can ever go back up North now that I've been in the South. I do hate the humid summers though. Mind you, I'd rather the humidity than the cold and snow.
*big smooches* to Monsty, Nutz, and Nookie for giving me much needed sympathy.
Monsty -- my dad did just fine, thank you for asking -- after the house *finally* warmed. brrrrrrr!
You all need to move here.
I don't think I started a whimpy, crybaby thread about the weather. *stikcs tongue out at Augie*
*pokes Carey*
Excuse me!
I didn't start a whimpy crybaby thread about the weather. I started a whimpy crybaby thread about the freakin' electricity going out for 18 freakin' hours in the middle of the freakin' winter.
*puts ice cold hands down the back of Carey's neck*
I think your new tagline should be:
"Named A Well Written and Informative Blog, by jxqmdnvk"
Snowmobile accessories? *SNORT*
Do you think the accessories could be fuzzy dice?
Augie would look cool on a snowmobile with her tropical drinks and fuzzy dice.
I am suspending my usual 'You think THAT is cold weather' rant just because I am nice and because I have had a chance to drink coffee today.
Poor Augie. Want to borrow my winter coat and Kodiak boots?
Oh. And I am killing myself laughing for the snowmobile accessories. Perhaps we need to get Lightsy in here.
I would like to say, though, that it is -20C here, which is about 0 F.
*flips Coco the mitten*
I'm sorry but winter after winter I just love making that joke to Coco.
Augie, I hit publish by accident.
I had more to say. I wanted to tell you, I have been cold all day today and my circulation has been awful.
*snicker* Apparently that dude doesn't know Augie's rule about no snowmobiling in her blog.
Power outtages suck Augie. We are very lucky to have a wood-buring fireplace that heats our house and a generator to power our fridge, freezer, lights, tv and microwave. Many people around here don't.
Sorry, but I just can't seem to muster up a whole lot of sympathy over the 25F though. *wink*
I am so with you, girlfriend.
*pulls up a chair on the beach with Augie and enjoys the sweat*
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