Sunday, December 18, 2005


It's a conspiracy, I'm telling ya. You would think that it being so close to Christmas, the people who are in charge of stocking shipping supplies at the various stores in the area would make sure they had more than enough for those of us who have to ship packies.

GRRRRRRRRRR. My plan was to wrap and pack on Friday, then ship on Saturday. Wrong. I spent Friday and Saturday trying to find shipping boxes, but there were none to be found anywhere. Even the post office was out.

If I was organzied and thought I would find it next Christmas, I would write myself a note to buy the shipping boxes in early December. Or, I would buy the boxes all year long, and use when needed. But we all know I would forget where I put them, and would still need to go out and buy them the week before Christmas.



Blogger momma said...

What? There aren't 8 year old boxes out by the 12 year old Christmas cards!?!?

12/18/2005 9:51 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Good thing I work for a printing company and always have boxes available. Want some of mine?

12/18/2005 10:20 AM  
Blogger Monstah said...

Bravie also has lots of boxes from her wine empties.

12/18/2005 7:01 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

*whacks* Monsty

12/18/2005 9:25 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

Don't you also love the stores that run out of gift boxes? Grrrr!

I am constantly saving boxes. However, when it comes time to ship things, the boxes I have are never the right size LOL.

12/19/2005 9:16 AM  
Blogger lights said...

I have a confession. I seldom throw boxes away. They get stashed all year long so that at Christmas I have a large selection for wrapping. I'm pretty anal about using just the right sized box. And if I don't have the right box in the house I send Dave out to the attic of the garage where, he tells me, there is a rather large collection.

12/19/2005 9:23 AM  
Blogger Coco said...

LOL at Lights the packrat! My mom does the same thing, though she is not exactly anal about packing stuff correctly.

Luckily, I received a bunch of parcels this December, so anything I had to send, I had a box for.

*smoooooochies to Augie*

12/19/2005 10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem here is that the shipping stores don't have enough staff. So when I'm sending packages to Canada and it takes 30 minutes, I can feel their stares on me. I can't feel the heat.

I wanted to shout, "you should have come a little earlier" to them as I was leaving.

12/19/2005 10:37 AM  
Blogger yvonne said...

LOL at Boo! I was at the post office this morning and when I got to the counter, I hefted up my 5 boxes to ship. They made quite a pile on the counter. I happened to glance behind me and this cranky old guy, standing in line, shot me this evil look. I was so tempted to tell him "You should have come here sooner, ya old goat". Instead, I just smiled at him, then turned back to the clerk and took my sweet ole time.

12/19/2005 4:09 PM  
Blogger Monstah said...

Where are you? I just sent you an email. I need breakfast help.

12/20/2005 7:21 AM  
Blogger Coco said...

But was it worth the adulation that I am emanating towards you, Boo, to send the package to Canada?


On an unrelated note, I just got an enormous punch in the cervix. Yowch.

12/20/2005 8:32 AM  
Blogger Immunegirl said...

Speaking of boxes....does anyone know where I could get some of those little boxes to put jewelry (earrings) in? I currently have a lot of earrings to give as gifts and no boxes. :(

12/20/2005 1:37 PM  
Blogger lights said...

Um, Iggy? I've got about five of them but I don't think they'd get to you in time for Christmas. Unless you want to stop by and pick them up in person. *grin*

12/20/2005 7:14 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

I'm looking for wrapping paper that isn't on a roll. I need to pack wrapping paper in my suitcase and can't find flat paper anywhere!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!

Iggy, try the dollar store.

12/21/2005 12:25 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

Or the Hallmark stores.

12/21/2005 12:25 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Iggy, you could put the earrings in little teeny tiny bags. So, Augie, you shop at Trader Joes? I personally recycle boxes and puffy (no pun intended) bubble bags, and other shipping supplies. Why not?

12/22/2005 2:26 AM  
Blogger Syren said...

Just stopping in to wish you a wonderful Holiday time.

12/23/2005 8:59 AM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

Don't mind me! I'm following syren around to wish everyone...

Merry Christmas!!!

*smooches* Augie!

12/23/2005 4:51 PM  

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