Saturday, October 29, 2005

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

~~ I finally made potato soup yesterday. Best pot of soup I've ever made, if I do say so myself.

~~ Went to the grocery story yesterday and discovered that Carnation has brought out their holiday edition coffee creamers. Finally! The Peppermint Mocha is to die for. It's like drinking a melted peppermint pattie. Happy happy joy joy!

~~ Took my car for it's emission testing on Friday. It passed! Halleluiah!

~~ Every time I hear the word "Halleluiah" I think of the movie "A Christmas Story". There is a scene where Ralphie is daydreaming about saving his family from Black Bart and his band of marauders using his Red Ryder 200 shot carbine action air rifle (you'll shoot your eye out!). At the end of the scene his little brother shouts Halleluiah. Cracks me up everytime. I love that movie.

~~ We had a freeze warning last night. Summer is offically gone. I got out all my sweaters and put away the summer stuff. Put away all the summer type clothing, shoes, accessories. So sad. I don't do well in the cold, but at least I have my Peppermint Mocha coffee creamer.

~~ I just ordered the DVD collection of "Wonderfalls" from Amazon. I loved that show, and stupid Fox cancelled it before it aired all of it's episodes. So excited to get it. So excited! Also ordered Hanna-McEuen's CD (their song "Ocean" is so beautiful), and Karla Bonoff's first CD (album? If it is a replacement CD for something that first came out on vinyl what do we call it? Album? CD? So confused). Anywho, Karla Bonoff is awesome and everyone should check her out. Her song "Someone to lay down beside me" is fabulous.

~~ George Clooney was on Oprah yesterday. So funny, smart, sexy, and goofy. I have officially booted Hugh Grant off of my celebrity boyfriend list and have replaced him with George. Besides, he has a villa in Italy. We all should have a boyfriend who has a villa in Italy. But I call dibs on George! He's mine. Get your own villa owning celebrity boyfriend.


Blogger ~Nutz said...

Is there are soup left for me?

*sigh* I miss summer too! It seems we went from 90 degrees to 40 in no time!

I would love to have an Italian villa owning boyfriend.

Nutz <---wants to go to Europe!

10/29/2005 10:28 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I want soup!!!!!!
I like plain half n half for my coffee.

I have too many favorite parts of that movie. Drink your Ovaltine. I love the bunny outfit *snort* and the whole double dog dar, triple dog dare scene. We watch that movie every year. I bought a miniature replica of the lamp for my Dad and he puts it out every year. LOL
I hate when summer leaves us. Even if here in SF we never get a true summer. I hate the cold.

My Mom just bought me the DVD of Lost season one. It has 8 hours of bonus stuff on it too. Woo Hoo.

Your boyfriend also owns a pig. *snort*

10/29/2005 10:40 AM  
Blogger Coco said...

I've never seen that movie. However, when you get access to that villa, invite me, won't you?

Your soup sounds really good. Posting recipes is fun.Or so I hear.

I am strictly a black coffee girl.

10/29/2005 10:58 AM  
Blogger Buggy said...

But does George like your peppermint coffee creamer?

That man is perfect! The only thing wrong with him is that his name is George.

Love ya Augie!

10/29/2005 1:26 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I agree with Buggy. Because for the rest of my life I will associate the name George with HD's fake sheep. Ya'll knew it was fake, right?

10/29/2005 1:44 PM  
Blogger Rose said...

mmm.. I like soup....

Sweaters out and organized already? Aren't you a little Martha Stewart. (I think mine are in the garage somewhere- this will be the first year in 3 years I get to wear them... damn pregnancies..)

George is old.

just sayin'.

10/29/2005 2:30 PM  
Blogger Monstah said...

You know, George was mine (I know I claimed him somewhere) but I suppose I can let you have him. That is how much I love you. (Plus, that whole pig thing is cause for concern.)

*pout* I wish I could come over for a hot bowl of soup.

PS French press coffee for me. Mmmmmm...yummy.

10/29/2005 7:59 PM  
Blogger Monstah said...

PS I would bring the Coffee Crisp for dessert.


10/29/2005 8:00 PM  
Blogger Zombs said...

I love that movie too.

I love George too.

I love soup too.

I guess I am just in love.

10/29/2005 8:01 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

George is younger than Augie. Just sayin.

10/29/2005 8:02 PM  
Blogger Zombs said...

Hey we just bought a new optical mouse! Our old one was crap.

This is spectacular! I feel liek when you get new sneakers and you can run really fast. Now I can point and click really fast! Watch me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

10/29/2005 8:03 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I don't have a mouse. I only have a mouse pad. *pout*
It makes drawing things very difficult.

10/29/2005 8:10 PM  
Blogger Rose said...

I was just thinking I need a new mouse.

Carey- there is no way George is younger than Augie. I saw her pictures, and she is hot.

Come shopping with me- I'm going to buy baking goods.... A new offset spatula, a silicon coated sheet liner, mmm.. heaven...

10/29/2005 8:47 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I know she's hot, but she's pretty old ya know. Like in her 50's or something.


Oooooh, I love shopping for kitchen stuff. I would rather shop for kitchen stuff than anything else in the word.

10/29/2005 8:50 PM  
Blogger mm said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10/29/2005 11:05 PM  
Blogger mm said...

That was me ^. Sorry.

Is there any way to preserve the creamer so you can have it all year? Maybe freezing it? I'm not a coffee drinker, so I know nothing of all that.

But the soup? Sounds delicious!
Soup and George. The perfect remedy for a cold day. Mmmmm...

10/29/2005 11:06 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

Nutz - Yes! There is still plenty of soup. Come on over and we'll plan our trip to Europe to get you a villa owning boyfriend.

Coco - Your invitation to the villa is in the mail.

Buggy - I like the name George. It's sturdy and solid. Not frou frou or sissy. I don't like guys to have sissy names.

Rose - *whack* for saying George is old.

Monsty - You have Mr. Monstah. You don't need George. I need George. Besides I don't recall seeing you call dibs on him, so my dibs overrides your dibs. Got it?

Zombie - I love that you love everything. *smooch*

MM - You can't freeze the creamer. It says so right on the bottle. So I have to hoard it like crazy when it's in the stores.

Carey - You are in SO much trouble it will take you years to get back on my good side again. And? I do believe you are older than Angelina, Orlando, Keith Urban AND Keith Anderson. So, who is old now? Hmmm, YOU ARE. Also? No soup for you.

10/30/2005 9:21 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

*hangs head* I'm sorry Augie. I don't know why I was being such a weenie. I love Augie and she is NOT old. She is deserving of George. George is not deserving of her though. Because he is much too old for her.

10/30/2005 10:31 AM  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

Yay!!! Augie's taking me to Europe to find me a villa owning boyfriend!

Augie's my new favorite!!! (along with MM, who will get all gellus if I don't mention her too.) *grin*

10/30/2005 11:11 AM  
Blogger mm said...

Pfft! I'm so not the gellus type! *grin*

*super relieved Nutzy mentioned me*

10/30/2005 3:00 PM  
Blogger Monstah said...

*lol* at "no soup for you"

So, should I reschedule my fete to a more Bravie friendly time?

10/30/2005 4:52 PM  
Blogger Immunegirl said...

May I have some potato soup? It SNOWED yesterday and I think I need something warm to eat...

10/30/2005 5:17 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

OK, this is bizarre... I went to the grocery store today, and saw a man who looked just like Keith Urban.

10/30/2005 5:51 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Yes please, Monsty. You don't want me to cry do you?

10/30/2005 6:49 PM  
Blogger yvonne said...

I have soup for everyone ... even Bravie because she was appropriately remiss about her mean 'old' comments.

Arkie - if you live anywhere near Nashville it could have been my boyfriend. How cool would that have been?

10/30/2005 6:53 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

Thank you Augie. I sorry. *hangs head again* You know that i love you more than anybody else does. *smooch*

10/30/2005 7:07 PM  
Blogger arkie said...

Augie, I live 30 miles outside of Nashville. Several country stars live in my town. But doesn't Keith have an Aussie accent?

10/30/2005 7:54 PM  
Blogger kl said...

I'm working on my invitation to Paris in February. It was either Paris then or Prague now. I can't get any time off now. *pout*

10/30/2005 8:06 PM  
Blogger Glowie said...

I love potato soup! mmmmmm

George was HOT in From Dusk to Dawn. HOT. He's cute. I approve.


10/30/2005 11:13 PM  
Blogger momma said...


10/31/2005 10:06 AM  
Blogger Coco said...

'appropriately remiss' cracks me up.

Is there any soup left? if not, what kind should I make today. I'm home and childless.

10/31/2005 12:27 PM  
Blogger jenbeauty said...

My hubby loves my Grandma's potato soup. He gets upset all winter b/c I am too afraid mine will not match up to hers. So I don't make!

I love the movie A Christmas Story, it never fails to make me cry laughing.

10/31/2005 12:28 PM  
Blogger Schnookie said...

You must post your recipe Augie. I love spuds and love soup.

I think I should try some of this peppermint mocha. Sounds yummy.

YAY for your car passing the emission test. Mine did in August. Such a relief *phew*

I don't think I've ever watched the A Christmas Story in its entirety. I don't get the attraction.

I put on a turtleneck this weekend. It smelled like ciggy smoke. Guess I need to wash some of my winter clothes LOL.

I have absolutely no idea what Wonderfalls is. I will go google it after I post this. I also have no idea who Hanna-McEuen or Karla Bonoff are. I think I live under a rock LOL. Unless they are country, then that would explain why I don't know them.

George Clooney is sexy. But he lives with a pig. I suppose I could put up with a pig if I were in an Italian villa :-)

10/31/2005 2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmm, I love potato soup. Tripp's has really good potato soup. I made some stew a few weeks ago and was going to try to start making soup every weekend. I have failed in that task.

Perhaps tomorrow since we'll be home again I will make some soup.

10/31/2005 3:37 PM  
Blogger Coco said...

I made potato cheese. It was yummy.

10/31/2005 7:57 PM  

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