Formal Announcement
*drum roll*
I hereby declare Gothmog, Landru, and Dweeze to be co-moderators of Augie's Bloggie.
So toe the line people. I got the baddest bunch of Mods around. And the cutest.
Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. ~ Henry James
*eats the rest of the cheesecake*
mrpmh... what?
Oh yeah... you couldn't have made a better choice.
*tosses plate*
YUM! :)
Yay! 3 hot mods in one blog. Makes me wanna misbehave!
*wondering what kind of punishment they will impose, and whether or not I will like it*
*moons* augie.
(can I request Dweeze as my punisher???)
will there be awards given out as well?
No fair, Nutz!
You could have saved some for me.
It's no problem Seana. Shhh... I still have some, but don't tell Augie. *wink*
Mog the Mod! Mog the Mod!
*jumps up and down*
Did someone say something?
*tap tap tap* Is this thing on?
Who are those guys? I thought they dropped off the face of the Earth as we knew it.
mmmmmmmmmmmm male rods mmmmmmmmmm
what? *grin*
Ok, this? is the end of the world as we know it.
But I feel fine. Pretty soon, I'm gonna start banning people 'n shit.
Does this mean that posts are about to get a little more "wordy"?
Does this mean that the frequency of corpse fucking will increase around here?
Perhaps someone else here needs a mod, who will enforce updating.
I agree w/ boo.
Goth gives goooooood story. Nice and slow and makes you anticipate the climax. *grin*
This is definitely the place to misbehave now. Yay!
Alright. Virgins to the left, non-virgins to the right.
Goth, Landru - you two can split them up however you want.
Oh, and Rose? Punishment time...
Holy Shat! Is it just me or is it really hot when Dweeze starts getting all dogmatic?
*picturing whips and chains*
um, Dweeze, aren't the non-virgins already split? Just sayin.
Why thank you MM!
And Goth, you channel the Bill Murray movie you want to channel and I'll channel the Bill Murray movie I want to channel.
Hey Augie! If there are mods here, don't we need to know the rules?
And maybe you could list what kinds of punishment will be used for each violation.
Just tryin' to be helpful.
*evil grin*
*sigh* I have the best Mods ever.
MM - The first and primary rule is "Never Question Augie" - please step into the punishment room...
*sigh* *swoon* *drool*
I ain't afraid of them.
Okay. I am afraid of Landru.
only Landru? Clearly, I need to work on my Fear Factor., I mean...Yes, Sir!
*trying to hide excited grin*
uh-oh, I don't see the whips. This can't be good...
OH. That is cheating. How dare you scoop ALL the boys to be your mods?
New rumour: Augie puts out behind the A&P.
Oh, and may I point out that I will never be afraid of Mog the Mod either. Dork does not inspire fear.
*whacks GM with a punctuation manual*
I think Coco is right. Except it's the 7-11 and not the A&P.
Then who was it I nailed behind the A&P?
That was you?
I thought Carey was the only one who got wieners at 7-11.
Then why aren't I a mod at your blog, Carey? I don't nail strange women behind convenience stores and supermarkets for nothing.
Then by all means, Dweeze, you should be a mod at my blog too. Monsty has been lagging of her duties anyhow.
Love that Monsty, I tell you. Love.that.Monsty.
Dweeze, you so do not do it for nothing.
You do it for the cheap thrills.
I think Coco just called Carey cheap.
Carey's not cheap - she's easy. So I do it for the easy thrills.
Being the sheep that I am, I decided to get mods too. I do better with a little structure.
Thank you Dweeze. This is why I heart you so much.
Hey Carey, I think you're easy, too.
*waits to be *hearted*
I heart you for other reasons. *wink* *feeze*
Awww, thanks Carey. And FTR, I really *do* think you're easy.
I am easy. *grin*
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